10:00 a.m.: Ribbon cutting: Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield (1710 Ark. Blvd.)
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/31/2007 07:53:00 AM | Permalink |
Law enforcement fish fry at the Four States Fairgrounds
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/31/2007 07:50:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Governor's visit to Clark County
Governor Beebe attended two events in Arkadelphia yesterday. Here's yesterday evening's Daily Siftings Herald article on the Clark County Strategic Community Plan meeting held at Henderson State yesterday, where Beebe was the keynote speaker.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/30/2007 02:22:00 PM | Permalink |
Rep. Bubba Powers responds to rumors that SWEPCO paid him to attend PSC hearings. Also, if you're looking for another site to frequent, try Arkansas Journal.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/30/2007 10:12:00 AM | Permalink |
8:00 a.m.: 10:30 a.m. Governor Beebe certifies Cherokee Village as an Arkansas Community of Excellence (Cherokee Village City Hall); 12:00 p.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the Pocahontas Kiwanis/Rotary Clubs Joint Meeting (Black River Technical College); 12:45 p.m.: Governor Beebe participates in two economic-development announcements (Black River Technical College); 1:30 p.m.: Governor Beebe participates in the dedication of the BRTC Business Technology Center (Black River Technical College).
Around Arkansas: 7:30 a.m.: UALR IT Summit (Statehouse Convention Center, LR) 11:30 a.m.: Grant Application Workshop (Central Ark Library, LR) 12:00 p.m.: Clinton School: Joseph Wu, chief representative of Taiwan to the United States (Sturgis Hall, LR)
6:00 p.m.: Law enforcement fish fry (Four States Fairgrounds, Texarkana)
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/30/2007 08:36:00 AM | Permalink |
Just Us Law Enforcement Fish Fry
Good crowd at last night's fish fry in honor of area law enforcement agencies. It was held at the Lafayette County Fairgrounds.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/30/2007 08:32:00 AM | Permalink |
Monday, October 29, 2007
Frustration from mandates -- Update
Booneville Elementary Principal Terresa Dewey speaks out on education mandates and the school improvement list in this morning's Southwest Times Record. It is a controversial subject among many educators and administrators. Dr. Ken James, Arkansas Department of Education Commissioner, says that the process is meant to be corrective, not punitive. Click here for the 2007 school improvement list. Booneville Elementary is not on this year's list, which includes 325 schools (no schools from Logan County made the list this year).
Update (1:45 p.m.): A reader asks where Arkansas ranks among the states in education. If you have some time, read this article from UofA professor Gary Ritter. It's a broad category, and as far as I can tell, some rankings are fairly arbitrary, but here are a few rankings that I've been provided from various lists:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/29/2007 12:37:00 PM | Permalink |
On TV tonight
Governor Beebe will sit down with Steve Barnes live on AETN tonight at 8:00 p.m. to talk about state issues and answer questions from viewers across the state.
To call in to the show: 501-852-8426 or 1-800-662-2386 Fax: 501-852-2280 Email: paffairs@aetn.org Or send your questions here.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/29/2007 11:28:00 AM | Permalink |
Vehicles in state government
Here's an informative report on state owned vehicles in Arkansas and who uses them. The report also includes the mileage accrued and reimbursement amounts to each state agency.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/29/2007 10:57:00 AM | Permalink |
Monday in Arkansas
Legislature: No meetings today.
Governor Beebe:
12:30 p.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the Arkansas Independent Colleges and Universities Luncheon (OBU, Arkadelphia); 2:00 p.m.: Governor Beebe participates in the Clark County Strategic Plan Launch (Henderson, Arkadelphia); 6:45 p.m.: Governor Beebe attends the Law Enforcement Appreciation Fish Fry (Lewisville). 8:00 p.m.: Live television show: Ask the Governor on AETN.
Around Arkansas: 10:00 a.m.: Weatherization Day 2007 (River Market Pavilion, LR) 11:30 a.m.: Ark. Comm. on Foreign Relations: Joseph Wu (Little Rock Club) 12:00 p.m.: Clinton School: Craig Minassian, consultant for HBO/Comedy Central (Sturgis Hall, LR) 5:00 p.m.: Reception for Reps. Johnny Hoyt & Lance Reynolds (Oyster Bar, LR) 12th Annual Ghosts of the Past: Arkansas Post National Memorial
6:30 p.m.: Just Us Law Enforcement Fish Fry (Lafayette County Fairgrounds)
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/29/2007 07:07:00 AM | Permalink |
Friday, October 26, 2007
The Grim
Built in 1925, the Grim Hotel is probably the centerpiece of a rejuvenated downtown Texarkana, but it's going to take some major work. Our new office is directly across State Line Avenue from it. Here are some pictures I took today.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/26/2007 04:51:00 PM | Permalink |
Governor's weekly radio address
Educating Tomorrow's Leaders. Click play on the console below:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/26/2007 04:45:00 PM | Permalink |
Arkansas Week
It's Lance Turner, Hoyt Purvis, Roy Ockert, and Rick Fahr joining Steve Barnes tonight. Click play on the console below to watch it here:
Also, in a totally unrelated thread, the Times blog has a link to official opening school enrollment figures statewide, provided by the Arkansas Department of Education. We have 466,391 students enrolled in public schools this fall, 4,427 of which are in the Texarkana Arkansas School District (1.5% lower than last fall).
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/26/2007 02:26:00 PM | Permalink |
Arkansas High vs. Lake Hamilton -- Update
#1 Arkansas High (7-0-1) travels to #3 Lake Hamilton (8-0) tonight for what should be a great game. The Razorbacks claimed a 48-7 victory last fall. Bill Paschall (Lake Hamilton alum) tells me they'll win by 14. Update: Ouch -- Wolves by 9. He was almost right.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/26/2007 02:12:00 PM | Permalink |
CASA Playhouse Kickoff Party
Looking for a good Christmas gift? Here are four different choices for young kids. These playhouses were on display at Courtyard Grill last night and will be at Central Mall starting today and ending Saturday, November 3. Proceeds from the sales will benefit CASA.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/26/2007 01:52:00 PM | Permalink |
Area Agency on Aging banquet
We had a great crowd turn out last night to the annual meeting of the Southwest Area Agency on Aging banquet in Hope. I was honored to give the keynote address and look forward to going back next year. Miller County Treasurer Ronnie Baird was elected Chairman for the coming year.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/26/2007 01:46:00 PM | Permalink |
8:00 a.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the Southern Business Education Association (Peabody, LR); 12:30 p.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the Arkansas Land and Farm Development Corporation Conference (Fargo); 7:00 p.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the Pulaski Technical College Salute to Mayor Patrick H. Hays. (Pualski Tech, NLR).
Around Arkansas: 8:00 a.m.: 27th Annual Arkansas Aging Conference (Hot Springs Conv. Center) 11:30 a.m.: Ark. Comm. on Foreign Relations: Jeff Laurenti (Brewer-Hegeman Center. UCA) Eureka Springs (Crescent): 5th Annual Mad Hatter's Ball and Silent Auction Eureka Springs: Willie Nelson and friends
8:00 a.m.: Texas A&M - Texarkana Business College community meeting 12:00 p.m.: Southwest Center for Aging meeting (AHEC Bldg., Texarkana) Little River County: Paths to the Past
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/26/2007 07:18:00 AM | Permalink |
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Film industry incentives in Arkansas?
This week's Arkansas Times has a feature on efforts to recruit filmmakers to Arkansas. There were two such bills filed in 2007, both of which were referred to interim study (HB2680, HB2749). The article focuses on the fact that many filmmakers will bypass Arkansas for Louisiana, where the incentives are far greater (see this site devoted to the film industry in Louisiana).
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/25/2007 09:40:00 AM | Permalink |
I'll tell you who's having more fun than anybody...
...and that's Timothy Hutchinson. He's been involved in some pretty high profile matters lately. Last month, he challenged the the Arkansas Code Revision Commission's authority to revise the minimum age to marry law through his 17 year old client (and won). He's now filed a FOIA request with the UofA on behalf of Mitch Mustain. Here's today's Democrat-Gazette article.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/25/2007 09:23:00 AM | Permalink |
New version of S-CHIP to be voted on today
U.S. House Democrats will put a new version of the vetoed children's health bill to a vote today, although the bill still calls for a $35 billion expansion. President Bush has said he can live with a $20 billion expansion.
The revised version contains minor changes and states that illegal immigrants will not have access to the expanded program. It will ease adults off the program in one year, rather than the two in the vetoed version. It also establishes a firmer eligibility cap at 300 percent of the federal poverty line, just more than $60,000 for a family of four. Here's today's Washington Post article.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/25/2007 09:16:00 AM | Permalink |
Thursday in Arkansas
Legislature: No meetings today Governor Beebe:
8:00 a.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the 27th Annual Arkansas Aging Conference (Hot Springs Convention Center); 9:30 a.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the Arkansas Association of Continuing and Adult Education Conference (Wyndham, NLR); 11:30 a.m.: Governor Beebe participates in a check presentation to the City of Cabot (Veterans Park Community Center, Cabot); 7:00 p.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the Arkansas Hunger Conference (2nd Presbyterian Church, 600 Pleasant Valley Drive, Little Rock).
Around Arkansas: 8:00 a.m.: 27th Annual Arkansas Aging Conference (Hot Springs Conv. Center) 11:00 a.m.: Verizon Wireless Broadband Demo (Clinton Library, LR) 12:00 p.m.: Clinton School: USCA (DC) Judge Brett Kavanaugh (Sturgis Hall, LR) Mountain View: 25th Annual Great Arkansas Championship Outhouse Race Little Rock: Boo at the Zoo
7:00 a.m.: BFL Regional Fishing Tournament (Lake Wright Patman) 5:00 p.m.: Keynote Speaker at Area Agency on Aging Banquet (Hope) 6:00 p.m.: CASA Open House reception (Courtyard Grill) 7:00 p.m.: Last showing of Movies in the Park (Town that Dreaded Sundown)
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/25/2007 02:16:00 AM | Permalink |
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Property tax collections and school funding
Seth Blomeley with the Democrat-Gazette writes about yesterday's legislative meeting in Hot Springs, where the amount of property tax collected by each county was discussed. 19 of the 75 counties didn’t respond to recent requests for data from the state Assessment Coordination Department. Our school funding formula assumes that 98% of local property taxes are collected. That amount is entered into a formula to determine how much general revenue must be allocated to each school district in the state.
Act 1218 of 2007 allows the Assessment Coordination Department to withhold state money meant to help counties defray the costs of conducting property reappraisal if certain data is not remitted (read the special language beginning on page 6, line 5).
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/24/2007 12:37:00 PM | Permalink |
Here's your 2008 Arkansas Senate voters' guide. Click on the map below, then scroll across and click on individual districts to view candidate information. Blue districts are held by Democrats, red districts are Republican seats. The three lighter shaded districts are holding a primary election on May 20. You can also find a list of the contested races below.
There are four open Senate seats in 2008 due to term limits, and one more has opened up due to Sen. Womack running for circuit judge. In all, 18 of the 35 seats are up for election.
The 14 unopposed Senate candidates (and term sought)
Unopposed Democrats
Unopposed Republicans
District 2: Randy Laverty (2nd) District 7: Sue Madison (2nd) District 12: David Wyatt (1st) District 23: Jerry Taylor (2nd) District 24: Jimmy Jeffress (2nd) District 25: Gene Jeffress (2nd) District 26: Percy Malone (2nd) District 31: Mary Anne Salmon (2nd) District 32: David Johnson (1st)
District 1: Johnny Key (1st) District 3: Ruth Whitaker (2nd) District 4: Sharon Trusty (2nd) District 8: Cecile Bledsoe (1st) District 9: Kim Hendren (2nd)
17 Senate seats are not up for election in 2008, and per a request, here is a list broken down by party affiliation:
Mid-term Senate Democrats
Mid-term Senate Republicans
District 5: Hank Wilkins District 6: Ed Wilkinson District 10: Paul Miller District 11: Robert Thompson District 14: Paul Bookout District 15: Steve Bryles District 16: Jack Crumbly District 18: Bob Johnson District 19: Terry Smith District 21: Barbara Horn District 22: Shane Broadway District 27: Steve Faris District 28: Bobby Glover District 29: John Paul Capps District 34: Tracy Steele
District 13: Denny Altes District 35: Bill Pritchard
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/24/2007 07:13:00 AM | Permalink |
A look back at the results in the Louisiana governor's race
Here's a map of the election results by parish from Saturday's eleciton. If you want to be able to click each parish to see the results by precinct, go to the Louisiana Secretary of State's site and just click a parish. It's a nice way to look at results.
Although there were 12 candidates on the ballot, it was a four horse race with Jindal winning without the need for a runoff. Of the 63 parishes, Jindal won 59 of them. Campbell won two (Bienville, Red River), Georges one (Orleans), and Boasso one (St. Bernard).
% of the vote
$$ spent
Bobby Jindal (R)
Walter Boasso (D)
Lt. Blue
John Georges (I)
Foster Campbell (D)
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/24/2007 06:49:00 AM | Permalink |
Wednesday in Arkansas
Legislature: Two legislative meetings are being held at the Capitol today:
7:30 a.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the Arkansas State Chamber of Commerce Leadership Breakfast (One Chamber Plaza, LR); 8:00 a.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the eHealth Arkansas conference (Embassy Suites, LR); 11:30 a.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the Clinton School Scholarship Lunch (Statehouse Convention Center, LR); 2:00 p.m.: Governor Beebe hosts an education town hall meeting(UCA, Conway).
Around Arkansas: 8:00 a.m.: 27th Annual Arkansas Aging Conference (Hot Springs Conv. Center) 11:30 a.m.: 1st Annual Clinton School Scholarship Luncheon (Statehouse Convention Center, LR)
9:00 a.m.: Texas Dept. Of Ag. Commisioner conference (Morriss Elementary)
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/24/2007 06:32:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Some Texas-side news
Texas Department of Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples will tour the Morriss Mathematics & Engineering Elementary School here in Texarkana in the morning. A short press conference will take place at 9:00 a.m. at the school (4826 University Park).
In other Texas news, millionaire Mikal Watts dropped out of the U.S. Senate race today against Democrat Robert Noriega and incumbent Senator John Cornyn, citing the toll it's taken on his family.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/23/2007 01:15:00 PM | Permalink |
Texarkana Arkansas School District Audit for FY2006
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/23/2007 01:10:00 PM | Permalink |
Governor-elect Jindal on I-49
Newly-elected Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana intends to keep his word on making I-49 North between Shreveport and the Arkansas line the state's highest road priority. "When I came here as a candidate for governor last time, I told you I-49 north, connecting where we are today all the way up to Arkansas ... had to be the state's highest road priority," Jindal said recently. "I said that as a member of Congress representing south Louisiana [where I-49 construction is also a priority], I didn't just say that as a candidate for governor." Jindal said one reason I-49 is so important is that it helps the entire state. "It truly connects the ports of New Orleans with markets all over the country." Here's an article on his priorities as governor published in this morning's Shreveport Times.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/23/2007 11:23:00 AM | Permalink |
Space shuttle Discovery launched from NASA's Kennedy Space Center a few minutes ago. I was invited to watch the shuttle launch, which includes native Arkansan Scott Parazynski as a mission specialist. It's a decision I already regret, but I was just too covered up this week. The in-laws of another astronaut on board, Clayton Anderson, live in Bella Vista.
Discovery and its seven astronauts will add a new module called Harmony to the orbiting laboratory during the STS-120 mission. They will also reposition a station segment already in orbit, and crew member Dan Tani will move into the space station for a long-duration mission.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/23/2007 10:41:00 AM | Permalink |
Running mates: Married to the candidates
Here's an extensive story in this morning's Washington Post about the role of spouses of today's presidential candidates. Said Ann Romney about what separates her husband from the rest of the field: "He's had only one wife." A recent Newsweek survey reported that 57% of respondents said that a candidate's relationship with his or her spouse is revealing about what kind of president that person would be, and nearly 25% in a May Fox News poll said their opinions of candidate spouses would be extremely or very important to their vote.
Best quote comes from Mamie Eisenhower: "Ike runs the country, and I turn the pork chops."
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/23/2007 07:31:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday in Arkansas
Legislature: Three joint committee meetings will be held in conjunction with the 53rd Arkansas Assessors' Seminar at the Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs today:
Governor Beebe: 11:45 a.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the FireWise Communities Luncheon (The Lodge at Mount Magazine State Park).
Around Arkansas: 9:30 a.m.: 53rd Annual Arkansas Assessors' Seminar (Arlington Hotel, LR) 10:00 a.m.: Arkansas Econ. Developers Bd Meeting (Statehouse Conv Center, LR) 10:00 a.m.: Leadership Arkansas Class II (Statehouse Convention Center, LR) 11:30 a.m.: Ark State Chamber of Commerce/Assoc Industries of Ark 79th Meeting (new Ark. AD Jeff Long to appear w/ John Tyson at 4:00 p.m.) (Statehouse Conv Center & Peabody, LR) 5:00 p.m.: Campaign kickoff for Darrin Williams (Lulav Mediterranean Bistro, LR) 6:00 p.m.: Clinton School: Alan Keyes, GOP politician and activist (Sturgis Hall, LR)
11:15 a.m.: Texarkana Chamber 5 Minute Networking Event (Outback Steakhouse) 4:15 p.m.: Ribbon Cutting: Wadley Cancer Center (Olive St. entrance)
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/23/2007 03:06:00 AM | Permalink |
Monday, October 22, 2007
Judge Brett Kavanaugh to speak at the Clinton School Thursday
Brett Kavanaugh of Washington, D.C., a member of the United States District Court of Appeals (DC Circuit), is speaking at the Clinton School of Public Service Thursday at noon. Judge Kavanaugh, 43, has been mentioned as a future Supreme Court nominee. His 2003 nomination to the DC Circuit was stalled in the Senate for nearly three years. The DC Circuit has four alums on the US Supreme Court: Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Thomas and Ginsberg. Judge Kavanaugh worked in the George W. Bush White House and was on the staff of Independent Counsel Ken Starr. He is a Yale alum and is married to Ashley Estes, Bush's former personal secretary. Should be a very interesting program. Reserve your seats by emailing publicprograms@clintonschool.uasys.edu or calling 501-683-5239.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/22/2007 04:52:00 PM | Permalink |
Edgenics College Bound Academy
Edgenics is looking for people to assist in its Saturday morning learning center program for college bound students at the Iron Mountain Neighborhood Center in Texarkana. The workshops that are available to students this year include journalism, digital photogrpahy and mathematics courses for boys and girls grades 6-12, a youth leadership conference, SAT/ACT/PSAT online test practices, and a science program in partnership with the Girl Scouts. The program will run through April, 2008 and takes place from 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays. If interested, call (870) 772-8652.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/22/2007 04:49:00 PM | Permalink |
Re-assignment of some Medicare Part D beneficiaries
Later this fall, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will re-assign low-income beneficiaries with full premium subsidies to new Medicare Prescription Drug Plans (PDPs), effective January 1, 2008. Re-assignments will be for individuals who are currently in a plan that, in 2008, will no longer have premiums below the "de minimus" amount (i.e. over $1.00 above the low-income subsidy (LIS) amount), resulting in a premium liability for the beneficiary. CMS will also reassign LIS beneficiaries that are in plans terminating or changing from a standard benefit to an enhanced benefit. For more information, click here or call/e-mail me.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/22/2007 03:39:00 PM | Permalink |
Documenting Arkansas
Yesterday, the Arkansas History Commission kicked off Arkansas Archives Week 2007. If you're unable to make any of this week's events listed below, and you'd like to see some interesting historical Arkansas pictures and artifacts like this Arkansas $10 bill, click here: ark-ives.com.
Each day at 1:00 and 1:30 p.m. this week, staff members will offer a brief program about the State Archives -- its outstanding primary resources of Arkansas history, the commitment to making those resources accessible to all researchers, and the way in which the archives enrich the lives of the citizens of Arkansas. The events will be held at the Arkansas History Commission, One Capitol Mall, Little Rock, Arkansas.
Monday, October 22: Homesteading 101: Dividing the Public Domain Introduction to State Land Records Tuesday, October 23: Fifty Years of Microfilming at the State Archives For the Next Generation and Beyond . . . Preservation of Books and Family Papers Wednesday, October 24: Documenting Arkansas’ Desperately Seeking Arkansas: Arkansas Maps of the Southwest Region Thursday, October 25: How to Use the Finding Aids at the Arkansas History Commission How to Find Books and Pamphlets at the AHC Friday, October 26: Tales Told by Historic Objects Arkansas Flag Designs
Arkansas Archives Week events at the 1914 Schoolhouse at Historic Washington State Park, Washington, Arkansas:
Friday, October 26, 2007 6:00 p.m.: The Next Generation and Beyond: Preservation of Books/Family Papers Written in Stone: Cemeteries in Southwest Arkansas Saturday, October 27, 2007 10:30 a.m.—Arkansas History Commission Workshop SARA: A Southwest Arkansas Treasure Desperately Seeking Arkansas: Arkansas Maps of the Southwest Region Homesteading 101: Dividing the Public Domain
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/22/2007 02:33:00 PM | Permalink |
Vetoed Arkansas House measure gets new life
A consumer-protection bill that was vetoed this spring has found new life, albeit not through legislation. House Bill 2780 by Rep. Dawn Creekmore (D-East End) would have allowed consumers to initiate their own security freezes on their credit reports in case of identity theft or similar crime. It was approved in both chambers but was eventually vetoed by Gov. Mike Beebe on the basis that the bill allowed any consumer, not just victims of identity theft, to place a freeze on their credit report.
While Creekmore's bill has continued to be studied by lawmakers during the interim before the next legislative session, the goal of the legislation may come to fruition according to recent pronouncements by the nation's three primary credit bureaus: TransUnion, Experian, and Equifax.
By November 1, consumers in all 50 states can freeze access to their credit files. Current law in Arkansas allows only current victims of identity theft to take such action. Creekmore's effort would have allowed all consumers to do so at any time - and the decisions by the three major credit bureaus now allow that. Currently, 35 states have a security-freeze law available to all consumers.
According to the companies' news releases, TransUnion and Experian will provide security freezes for no charge to victims of identity theft and will charge $10 for freezes initiated by others. Equifax hadn't yet announced what, if any, that it will charge. However, these bureaus will be able to promulgate the rules on both a freeze and a "thaw" of one's credit account (a "thaw" is a temporary lift on a credit account so that the consumer can make a purchase that may require a credit check). This means there could be a short waiting period before a request is approved.
When a security freeze is in place at all three major credit bureaus, an identity thief cannot open a new account because the potential creditor or seller of services will not be able to check the credit file. When the consumer is applying for credit, he or she can lift the freeze temporarily using a PIN so legitimate applications for credit or services can be processed.
Rep. Creekmore is currently working on legislation to introduce during the next session that will make the security freeze consumer friendly to include such provisions as (1) allowing Arkansans to initiate the freeze by regular mail, phone or through a secure electronic method, (2) allowing Arkansans to lift or thaw the freeze within 15 minutes at no additional fee, and (3) putting a cap on the charge to consumers at no more than $5 to initiate the freeze. Creekmore also wants to have this protection available to senior citizens and active military at no charge.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/22/2007 01:31:00 PM | Permalink |
MRSA infections: Should the state act?
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), a staph infection resistant to antibiotics, has been in the news recently after a high school student in Virginia died from it. This "superbug" is usually spread in hospital and healthcare settings through direct physical contact or indirect contact with such items as contaminated towels, sheets, and wound dressings, although that is changing. But experts also say that when acquired by healthy people in the community - as opposed to those infected at hospitals - the bacterial infection only rarely causes serious illness and is treatable by other classes of antibiotics.
Arkansas, like many other states, doesn't require hospitals to notify the Department of Health of infections. We enacted Act 845 in 2007, but it only requires hospitals to collect the information. It may be submitted to the state on a voluntary basis. The state is now in the process of determining how the information will be published, although it will contain aggregate statewide numbers without identifying hospitals.
There are currently more than 18 states that have public health reporting requirements. So far, Florida, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Vermont actually produce public reports on their state hospitals’ infection rates. Proponents believe that the public deserves to know which hospitals are doing a good job preventing infections and keeping patients safe. In turn, they say, the reports will encourage hospitals to improve patient care and ultimately save lives and dollars.
So what do you think? Should the state require hospitals to notify the health department of infections? Should the state produce public reports on infection rates by hospitals?
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/22/2007 10:10:00 AM | Permalink |
Monday in Arkansas
Legislature: No meetings today. Governor Beebe:
11:00 a.m.: Governor Beebe attends an education assembly (Lingle Middle School, Rogers); 12:00 p.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the Governor’s Arts Awards Luncheon (Hammons Convention Center, Rogers); 2:00 p.m.: Governor Beebe attends an education assembly (Bob Courtway Middle School, Conway); 5:30 p.m.: Governor Beebe attends the dedication of the Little Rock Zoo Carousel; 6:00 p.m.: Governor Beebe addresses the Pulaski Heights Lions Club (War Memorial Stadium, LR).
Around Arkansas: 8:30 a.m.: Ark. Chamber of Commerce Executives Annual Meeting (Peabody, LR) 9:30 a.m.: SWEPCO, Turk plant closing arguments (PSC Hearing Room #1) 10:00 a.m.: Rare look at the Capitol’s Mitchell-Vance Chandelier with Charlie Daniels (Second Floor Rotunda) 6:00 p.m.: Bill Clinton here for Giving book signing (Clinton Library, LR) 6:00 p.m.: Governor's Quality Award Reception (Peabody, LR)
7:00 p.m.: Texarkana USA Genealogical Society Meeting (public library)
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/22/2007 06:35:00 AM | Permalink |
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Autumn Harvest Maze & Pumpkin Patch
If you're looking for a good pumpkin patch in this area of the state, head over to the Fulton Grass Farm in Hempstead County. The farm includes a 15-acre walk-through corn maze with a pumpkin patch and picnic area, horse-drawn wagon rides, a pumpkin catapult and concessions. On Friday and Saturday nights, there is a Haunted Maze and Field of Screams. It'll cost you $10 to get in, but it's worth it.
Directions: It's located in Fulton, Arkansas just 3.5 miles from I-30, only 18 miles from Texarkana and 12 miles from Hope. From I-30, take the Fulton Exit #18. Turn south and follow the dirt road 3.5 miles to Fulton Grass Farm.
2008 Update: The Fulton Grass Farm won't be holding the harvest maze this year.
Here's Camille enjoying the pumpkin patch:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/21/2007 07:18:00 PM | Permalink |
Bright Star barbecue
Here's Rep. Bruce Maloch reading a citation honoring Pansy Bolin, whose birthday was celebrated late this afternoon at the Olive Branch Lodge Hall in Bright Star. Pansy has as much clout as anyone in that end of Miller County, and as you can see, she can draw a crowd for her birthday. The brisket was unbelievable.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/21/2007 06:58:00 PM | Permalink |
Vietnam Veterans Ch. 278 fish fry
The October meeting of the Texarkana Chapter of Vietnam Veterans of America was held today in conjunction with a fish fry at the American Legion Post. Staff and volunteers from the VA clinic and hospital from Texarkana and Shreveport were in attendance, along with volunteer drivers of the DAV van (makes five trips weekly to Shreveport and back as a service to veterans). The "Leave no Veteran Behind" program is a hot topic both locally and statewide as the VA health care budget gap has increased in recent years. Here's the local chapter's site.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/21/2007 02:56:00 PM | Permalink |
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/21/2007 07:21:00 AM | Permalink |
Old Washington Firemen's Auxiliary
We had a lot of fun in this town of 148 last night. The auxiliary raised over $30,000 for its cause at this fundraiser, and Rep. Scott Sullivan and I lost to Bubba in the contest to see who could be the best auctioneer. Here are some pictures:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/21/2007 07:04:00 AM | Permalink |
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Arkansas unemployment figures
The Arkansas Department of Workforce Services announced yesterday that the state's unemployment rate increased 0.2% to 5.7% in September. The U.S. Department of Labor has yet to release September unemployment figures for the Texarkana MSA, but the rate in August (not seasonally adjusted) was 4.5%. The Texas unemployment rate rose a notch to 4.3%. Here are Arkansas figures by county for August, 2007:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/20/2007 04:04:00 PM | Permalink |
Race for the Cure
Update: Over 7,000 participated in the Texarkana Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure this morning. Here are pictures from last night's pasta party and this morning's race:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/20/2007 05:04:00 AM | Permalink |
Sen. Steve Harrelson
District 11
Steve Harrelson represents Senate District 11 in southwest Arkansas.
District Office: 300 State Line Avenue Texarkana, Arkansas 71854 Post Office Box 40 (75504) (870) 773-VOTE or (870) 772-0300
Capitol Office: State Capitol, Rm. 149L Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 682-7771