Lt. Gov. Bill Halter helped a woman in a wheelchair off the porch of a burning home while traveling through Paragould today for a speaking engagement. Here's more from the Associated Press.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/30/2008 12:20:00 PM | Permalink |
Irene Kahn, Sec'y General of Amnesty International
12:00 p.m.
Lt Gov Halter speaks to Paragould Rotary Club
5:30 p.m.
Capriccio's, LR
Reception Fundraiser honoring Courtney Henry
5:30 p.m.
NFIB Reception for Todd Stottlemyer & Sylvester Smith
10:00 a.m.
Texarkana College
2008 Ark Medicaid Managed Care Conference
New York Times: Obama’s Break With Ex-Pastor Sets Sharp Shift in Tone Washington Post: Obama: Comments 'Outrageous' Wall Street Journal: Charges Weigh on GM Results Los Angeles Times: Flagging economy puts pressure on politicians Houston Chronicle: Forget reserves: Bush says more oil drilling a must Chicago Tribune: Obama on Wright: 'Great damage' done to relationship Reuters: Two U.S. troops die in Iraq, worst month since Sept
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/30/2008 06:39:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Candidate forums
Here's a picture from last night's forum and pie auction in Fouke. Candidates for the three Miller County contested races spoke first (county judge, JP District 10, and the five-way race for sheriff), and then the other candidates spoke.
There'll be a Pulaski County forum tonight at the North Little Rock Chamber of Commerce (100 Main Street). Tonight's forum, which begins at 5:30, will include judicial candidates, county candidates, and all contested legislative races in Pulaski County.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/29/2008 06:36:00 AM | Permalink |
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/29/2008 06:01:00 AM | Permalink |
Monday, April 28, 2008
Major development in the Janie Ward case
The Janie Ward case has been pending since I was in the 9th grade. Today, special prosecutor Tim Williamson says the long-questioned 1989 death of Ward at a rural Searcy County party "cannot be classified as a homicide." This case has long been followed by major news outlets throughout the state. Williamson says a third extraordinary autopsy last year on the remains of Olivia "Janie" Ward of Marshall found no extensive bruising or signs of a beating. Here's more from the Associated Press.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/28/2008 03:18:00 PM | Permalink |
Berry to participate in congressional debate today
A congresional debate will take place today in Cincinnati on health care, and Arkansas Congressman Marion Berry will participate. The other participants will be Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA), Rep. Charles Boustany, M.D. (R-LA), Rep. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL), Rep. Nathan Deal (R-GA), Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-PA), and Rep. John Shadegg (R-AZ).
The debate will be moderated by NPR health policy correspondent and CongressDaily contributing editor Julie Rovner. You can watch the debate live at It begins at 1:00 p.m. Arkansas time. This is the second in a series of debates designed to foster bipartisan dialogue on the most important issues facing America and to generate substantive discussion that goes beyond sound bites and partisan talking points. For info on the first debate, click here.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/28/2008 06:30:00 AM | Permalink |
Halter in charge
Governor Beebe will attend the Chamber's annual Washington fly-in dinner and reception for our congressional delegation this evening in Arlington, VA. Lt. Governor Halter will be acting governor in Beebe's absence. The governor will be back in the state for a speech tomorrow morning for a dedication at the Mid-South Community College in West Memphis.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/28/2008 06:22:00 AM | Permalink |
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/28/2008 05:14:00 AM | Permalink |
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Broadway roast
An upcoming benefit roast of state Senator Shane Broadway (D-Bryant) will be held at Brown’s Country Store & Restaurant in Benton on May 5 at 6:00 p.m. Proceeds will be divided between Boy Scout troops in Saline County and Rare Cancer Research. The roasters will be former state Sen. Doyle Webb of Benton; Donnie Burks, director of the Benton Athletic Memorial Museum on the Benton High School campus; Whit Jones, editor of the Courier; and a "surprise roaster." The governor is expected to provide a special video presentation.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/27/2008 03:38:00 PM | Permalink |
Texarkana Animal Shelter's 2009 Day Planner
A reader requested, and I'm happy to oblige, for some publicity for the Texarkana Animal Shelter's fundraiser, a 2009 Day Planner titled “Tails of Two Cities." Click here for more information, and you can print an application here (Word document).
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/27/2008 03:31:00 PM | Permalink |
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/27/2008 08:57:00 AM | Permalink |
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Two Razorbacks go in the first round
I'm back home and see that McFadden was the 4th selection of the 2008 NFL Draft (Oakland), and Felix Jones was the 22nd pick and will be playing for the Dallas Cowboys.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/26/2008 05:25:00 PM | Permalink |
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/25/2008 12:06:00 PM | Permalink |
Friday afternoon
We're wrapping up a meeting on rail policy, and I have a lot to write about on an assortment of issues once I get a prolonged break: voter ID, economic development incentives, transportation, etc. Robbie Wills and I are headed over to the German Ambassador's residence for dinner after the conclusion of today's programs. Here's a picture from the DLCC retreat last night.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/25/2008 11:46:00 AM | Permalink |
Governor's weekly radio address
Open for Business in the Global Economy Click play on the console below:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/25/2008 10:29:00 AM | Permalink |
The McCain visit
McCain is in Arkansas today holding a fundraiser at the Capital Hotel in Little Rock before heading over to Arkansas Baptist College to address a class there at 2:00 p.m. Here's a summary of Senator McCain's latest conference call that mentions the stop, and I sat in on a phone conference yesterday held by DPA Chairman Bill Gwatney regarding McCain's Arkansas visit.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/25/2008 10:22:00 AM | Permalink |
Here come the ad buys
We're within a month of the primaries in Arkansas, and several candidates are beginning to spend money to get their message to the voters. Scott Smith (House District 29) has purchased a five figure ad buy, and LJ Bryant has purchased a cable buy in excess of $5000 in HD58. Davy Carter (R-Cabot), who's raised quite a bit of money in House District 48, will begin airing this commercial today. He's opposed by Randy Minton, Republican of Ward.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/25/2008 06:32:00 AM | Permalink |
Discussion with Sen. Lamar Alexander
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) offered up some discussion on federalism and unfunded and underfunded mandates such as the 2005 RealID Act. Being a former governor, he's in a pretty good position to know how federal mandates can affect state budgets and tie the hands of state governments. My next meeting starts in a few minutes, but I'll come back and update this entry later this morning and expand on this event and others here in DC.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/25/2008 06:17:00 AM | Permalink |
Bill Moyers Journal tonight: Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Bill Moyers interviews the Reverend Jeremiah Wright in his first broadcast interview with a journalist since he became embroiled in a controversy for his remarks and his relationship with Barack Obama. I'm sure the Obama camp would just as soon see Rev. Wright go on vacation until the convention, and this is sure to put the campaign on the defensive for at least the weekend. The show will appear on AETN at 9:00 tonight after Unconventional Wisdom, Washington Week and Arkansas Week.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/25/2008 05:49:00 AM | Permalink |
From the archives: Texarkana on the CBS Early Show
A reader e-mails this video that aired on the CBS Early Show a while back featuring Texarkana. This segment was filmed right around time we enacted the 2006 Clean Indoor Air Act:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/25/2008 05:42:00 AM | Permalink |
Friday in Arkansas
10:00 a.m.
LR Chamber
Ark. Ethics Commission Candidate Training Session
All Day
28th Annual Fordyce on the Cotton Belt Festival
All Day
Mountain View
Dulcimer Jamboree: A Traditional Music Event
11:00 a.m.
2345 Trinity Blvd.
Ribbon Cutting: Red River Federal Credit Union
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/25/2008 05:34:00 AM | Permalink |
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Arkansas Court of Appeals candidates appear at forum
Courtney Henry, a Fayetteville lawyer, and Rogers attorney Ron Williams will square off in the race for District 3, Position 2 of the Arkansas Court of Appeals. The district is made up of seven counties in northwest Arkansas, and this non-partisan race has garnered more attention than any of the other judicial races this year.
Both candidates appeared at a forum hosted by the Washington County Republican Women yesterday, and The Morning News has a report. The Arkansas Code of Judicial Conduct prevents judicial candidates from discussing issues that may come before them, so it's a tough way to campaign. I can't locate a website for Williams, but you can find Henry's here.
Henry grew up in Harrison and worked eight years for judges on the Court of Appeals. She has the endorsement of former U. S. Rep. John Paul Hammerschmidt, (R-Ark.), who served in Congress from 1967 to 1993. Williams grew up in Arkadelphia and worked as a trust officer in Conway and as a deputy prosecutor in Greene County working in-house at Wal-Mart as assistant general counsel. He's now a partner with his son-in-law and former state Rep. Timothy C. Hutchinson. For a complete list of all Arkansas judicial races this year (outside of district judges), click here.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/24/2008 05:32:00 AM | Permalink |
Late night run through Capitol Hill
I landed late last night and still had some energy, so I took out on a run here in downtown DC. I serve on the National Conference of State Legislatures Redistricting and Elections Committee, and we're about to convene to discuss voting machines and the 2008 elections. We'll also meet with officials with the U.S. Census Bureau today to discuss the redistricting database and the North Carolina redistricting case that will soon be taken up by the U.S. Supreme Court that deals with the Voting Rights Act. I serve on the committee with Rep. Rich Gallot (D-Louisiana) and Sen. Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio). Robbie Wills is also here meeting on transportation funding issues. Later this evening, we'll both participate in a roundtable on state fiscal conditions.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/24/2008 05:00:00 AM | Permalink |
Joe Grieboski, Pres., Institute on Religion & Public Policy
All Day
28th Annual Fordyce on the Cotton Belt Festival
All Day
8th Annual Wild Hog Musicfest/Motorcycle Rally
All Day
16th Annual Taste of the Valley
All Day
Mountain View
Dulcimer Jamboree: A Traditional Music Event
4:00 p.m.
5415 Cowhorn Creek
Reception for Chamber of Commerce
4:00 p.m.
Hopkins Feed & Seed
Downtown crawfish boil
7:00 p.m.
Ringling Brothers Circus
New York Times: For Democrats, Questions Over Race and Electability Wall Street Journal: Ford Swings to a Profit Washington Post: Defending a 'Wide Stance' Requires a Thick Wallet Los Angeles Times: Superdelegates split over lengthy battle Houston Chronicle: Feds: Charter bus services fronts for drug smuggling Chicago Tribune: At $3.75 a gallon for gas, more drivers park it Reuters: Record rice prices feed food fears
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/24/2008 04:36:00 AM | Permalink |
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Group formed to oppose lottery launches campaign
A couple of shots were fired in Lt. Gov. Halter's direction this morning as the Arkansas Family Action Council Committee launched the "Truth Campaign" at the Capitol. During the event, Pastor Robert E. Smith suggested that Halter and government officials who support the lottery are influenced by the "user friendly" churches they attend. When asked if Halter, a practicing Catholic, attended a user-friendly ministry, Smith said: "If any at all."
The lottery brings together people of varying political views to form alliances you wouldn't see anywhere else. I'm for the lottery for the simple reason that people here in my district can purchase tickets at will just by driving across State Line Avenue. While they're over there purchasing lottery tickets, the proceeds of which go to Austin to educate Texans, they're also purchasing other items they could otherwise buy in Arkansas.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/23/2008 04:20:00 PM | Permalink |
Sen. Pryor hosting FR for Joe White on Saturday
State Senate candidate Joe White (D-Conway) will get a little help from Sen. Mark Pryor this Saturday by way of a fundraiser Pryor is hosting at the Old Gin in Conway. White is running against Sen. Gil Baker (R-Conway) in Senate District 30.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/23/2008 12:58:00 PM | Permalink |
Jackson County Dems to host candidates forum
2008 Legislative Races: House District 58
There is a four-way Democratic primary for the race to replace term-limited Rep. Tommy Dickinson (D-Newport), and the Jackson County Democratic Central Committee will host a candidates forum for this race in conjunction with the Jackson County Democratic Women next Tuesday, April 29. The forum will take place at 6:00 p.m. in the Newport High School Auditorium. The election for this primary will be May 20, and there is no filed Republican opposition for this seat.
LJ Bryant
Jerry Carlew
Jamie Darling
Jody Dickinson
Hometown: Newport Age: 21 Occupation: Self-employed Party: Democrat Cash on hand: $16,034 (as of 3/31) Total Raised: $28,661 (as of 3/31)
In addition to the legislative candidates, all other county candidates in Jackson County are encouraged to attend. There is a three-way race for county judge, and a few JP races are on the ballot. For a list of all county candidates in Jackson County, click here.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/23/2008 10:34:00 AM | Permalink |
Arkansas not the only state experiencing loan credit crunch -- Updated
The Arkansas Student Loan Authority announced last week that it might not have enough money to offer college loans for the next school year. Other states are facing the same problem. Since mid-February, agencies in Massachusetts, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Texas have announced they will stop offering federal loans. Lending groups for Iowa, Missouri and New Hampshire have suspended their private loan programs. Michigan has dropped both types of loans. Lack of money also led the Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corp. to announce it will not accept applications for federal loans from new students after May 1. Click here for more info.
Update: The state board of finance is considering loaning $80 million to the state's student loan authority after the agency said the sagging economy nationally has jeopardized its ability to lend money to college students. Here's more from the Associated Press.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 4/23/2008 10:14:00 AM | Permalink |