Friends, it's with a heavy heart that I post my final entry to Under the Dome this afternoon. I received an offer on the domain that I just can't turn down, and I'm selling the website. Plus, now that I've returned to private life, I don't have time to opine on state issues as much as I have in the past. I'm still fascinated with Arkansas politics and will continue to watch from afar.
This is the 3,919th entry on the blog, and I've enjoyed posting each and every item over the past six years. Thanks for reading.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 1/08/2013 03:29:00 PM | Permalink |
Sunday, November 4, 2012
48 hour last minute campaigning
Here I am talking to last minute voters at the Cooper Tire plant gate at shift change tonight. Polls close in 48 hours!
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 11/04/2012 07:42:00 PM | Permalink |
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Today's work crew
We had a great turnout for this morning's Move Arkansas Forward rally at my campaign headquarters featuring U.S. Senator Mark Pryor. Here's part of our work crew -- we've knocked on 500+ doors so far today:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 11/03/2012 05:03:00 PM | Permalink |
Friday, November 2, 2012
U.S. Senator Mark Pryor hosts final campaign rally
Join Mark Pryor, the senior U.S. Senator from Arkansas, as we enter the final weekend of the campaign for Steve Harrelson's re-election! Bring a friend and come visit with Senators Pryor and Harrelson!
When: 10:00 a.m. Saturday, November 3 Where: Campaign Headquarters (300 State Line Ave., downtown Texarkana
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 11/02/2012 12:55:00 PM | Permalink |
New radio ad featuring Mike Ross
Here's our newest radio ad featuring Mike Ross. I've enjoyed working with Congressman Ross to bring (and keep) industry right here in southwest Arkansas.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 11/02/2012 08:38:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Upcoming news coverage on my Senate race
Watch the KTBS-3 (ABC-Shreveport) news on Thursday for a story on my Senate race. It should be a great segment on issues that affect southwest Arkansas.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/30/2012 10:49:00 AM | Permalink |
Just Us Fish Fry
There was another great turnout for the annual Just Us Law Enforcement Fish Fry at the Lafayette County Fairgrounds last night. Here I am with Lafayette County Judge Terry Bolton:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/30/2012 10:47:00 AM | Permalink |
Monday, October 29, 2012
Raising money for UACCH Hope and Texarkana campuses
We had a great event at Old Washington State Park in Hempstead County over the weekend to raise money for our two-year colleges in Hope and Texarkana. Here I am with Congressman Mike Ross:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/29/2012 11:13:00 AM | Permalink |
Many have asked about the territory in Senate District 11, and this blog has gotten dozens of hits from people seeking sample ballots in Miller, Lafayette, Little River, Sevier, and Hempstead counties. If you have any questions, email me at the link to the right.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/23/2012 09:34:00 AM | Permalink |
Great campaign event in Spring Hill (Hempstead Co.)
We had a great campaign evet last night at the home of Ben & Jamie Pafford Gresham in Spring Hill. Here are a few pictures:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/23/2012 09:25:00 AM | Permalink |
Monday, October 22, 2012
Bradley gets a new gym
We cut the ribbon on Bradley's (Lafayette County) gym Friday afternoon in front of a great crowd. The school has always been recognized as a leader in basketball, particularly womens hoops. The program went 13 years without losing a home game in the 60s and 70s.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/22/2012 11:03:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Why I'm voting for Senator Steve Harrelson
By former Senator Wayne Dowd
Having served in the Arkansas Senate for 22 years, I know the difficulties of the job first hand, particularly representing an area like ours where we compete with neighboring states and are far from Little Rock.
I'm voting for Steve Harrelson because he has accomplished many things for southwest Arkansas as our senator and has put us in a position to compete for more jobs and residents.
Experience is important, particularly in the senate where the committees are small and powerful. Seniority is important. Steve has clout, and he will work with Governor Beebe and others to make sure that the interests of our area are protected and that we will always have a seat at the table.
What has Steve done for us?
(1) He helped save Cooper Tire by writing a bill that saved the company over a million dollars annually in taxes when they announced they were shutting down one of their four US plants;
(2) He changed the law to help build the Turk plant and its 1,600 jobs near Fulton when he saw the need to diversify our local economy when the Cooper Tire issue arose;
(3) Education is important to Steve. He authored a bill that created and built a new UofA campus in Texarkana, which is now open and has an enrollment far over what was anticipated;
(4) Steve has not only balanced the budget every single year he has been in the legislature, he has been an instrumental player behind the scenes determining what gets funded and what doesn't; and
(5) Steve was a key player in helping enact the largest tax cut in Arkansas history, saving Arkansas taxpayers over $730 million dollars. He wants to continue repealing the grocery tax. After that, he wants to remove taxes from our utility bills. Many people talk about balancing budgets and cutting taxes. Steve has done it.
I'm asking you to join me in voting to send Steve Harrelson back to the Capitol as our senator. Election Day is three weeks from today. Steve not only needs your vote, he needs your influence. Please spread the word. Put a sign in your yard. Take a friend to vote. Southwest Arkansas needs Steve Harrelson to continue working for us.
Wayne Dowd
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/16/2012 08:11:00 AM | Permalink |
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Three point plan on veterans' issues unveiled today
Michael Ray headlines the newly announced Veterans for Harrelson campaign today, which sets out new plans for (1) Veterans benefits, a (2) proposed land bank for Arkansas Veterans, and (3) coordinated services at the Veterans Health Administration facility in Texarkana, where my dad took treatment. Mr. Ray also took the time to condemn the untruthful ad being distributed about my record on veterans issues.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/11/2012 12:41:00 PM | Permalink |
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Governor Beebe headlines list of new endorsements this week
We're now less than four weeks from Election Day, and Governor Beebe took time from his schedule to come down to southwest Arkansas to endorse my candidacy, citing four reasons: the creation of over 2,000 jobs in my district, (2) building a new UofA campus in Miller County, (3) balancing the budget while cutting $730M in taxes, and (4) helping to save Cooper Tire.
I welcome the governor's endorsement and look forward to continuing his agenda of a complete repeal of the grocery tax in Arkansas. Besides the governor's endorsement, we have also received several other endorsements of late:
(1) The Arkansas Police Benevolent Association, an organization made up of local sheriffs, deputies, and law enforcement officers;
(2) The Arkansas Concealed Carry Association, a Pro 2nd Amendment organization;
(3) Workers from Cooper Tire's 752L, the largest employer in my district;
(4) Workers from Domtar's 1327 Local, the 2nd largest employer in my district;
(5) Workers from Ash Grove Cement, the 3rd largest employer in my district;
(6) The Arkansas State Employees Association; and
(7) The Arkansas Education Assocation.
I worked hard to earn the endorsement of the National Rifle Association, but they announced this week that they are not endorsing either candidate in my race.
While in town, the governor took the time to condemn the attack mail pieces and television ads that continue to hit mailboxes in southwest Arkansas. He cited the many misrepresentations of each of these mailers, the vast majority of which are funded by out-of-state corporations run by groups who are impossible to identify.
Today's mailer stated that I voted to "advance" a fuel tax, which has "increased the cost of living." In reality, I voted to put this issue on the November ballot for Arkansas voters to approve or reject (which I routinely do anytime these issues come up -- I'd rather put the power in the hands of the people anytime I'm given the choice).
I'm hopeful that voters will see through this nonsense and send a message to these out of state groups that we don't like this type of campaigning in Arkansas.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/10/2012 09:12:00 AM | Permalink |
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Newest endorsements
Our newest endorsement comes in today from The Arkansas Police Benevolent Association, Inc., an organization of local sheriffs, deputies, and law enforcement officers. This comes on the heels of the Arkansas Carry Association's endorsement of our campaign. Thank you!!
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/03/2012 04:00:00 PM | Permalink |
Monday Night Football and politics
Join us Monday night!
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/03/2012 09:07:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
New Wadley Senior Clinic
Proud to break ground on the new Wadley Senior Clinic on North Jefferson in Texarkana, Arkansas today. This project has been a great example of two states working together for one purpose
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 10/02/2012 12:01:00 PM | Permalink |
Friday, September 28, 2012
Texarkana Regional Center on Aging's 10th Anniversary
Proud to be recognized for funding the first geriatric telemedicine center in Arkansas.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/28/2012 11:49:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
DeQueen Lions Club
I was today's speaker at the DeQueen Lions Club. Great discussion on Arkansas politics
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/25/2012 04:14:00 PM | Permalink |
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Fighting back against half-truths and outright lies
We're seven weeks out from Election Day, and the mud is already flying. If you live in my senate district, you've no doubt received a mailer from the opposition listing my cell phone number along with an assertion that questions my support for veterans and my patriotism.
In 2006, a bill was filed that allowed picketing and protesting to take place at funerals if you stand at least 150 feet (50 yards) from the funeral to do it. If you stepped within the 150 foot imaginary line, you were subject to a mere $100 fine.
I was outraged by this, and I proposed an amendment to the sponsors and advocates seeking to require mandatory jail time and prohibiting picketing whatsoever. This language was not adopted to the bill, and so I voted against it. Now that vote is being twisted to question my support for our fallen military heroes.
In 2011, a better bill was proposed to fix this law requiring any protests to take place further away from funerals than a mere 50 yards, and I voted FOR that bill.
It's a shame that the opposition would question my support for our veterans a mere two months after I buried my own dad at a funeral that included full military honors due to the service he rendered this grateful nation in Vietnam.
Don't fall for the mud slinging and half truths. We've come a long way together, and let's send a message that this sort of campaigning won't be tolerated in southwest Arkansas.
As always, thank you for your support.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/18/2012 08:20:00 AM | Permalink |
Sen. Steve Harrelson
District 11
Steve Harrelson represents Senate District 11 in southwest Arkansas.
District Office: 300 State Line Avenue Texarkana, Arkansas 71854 Post Office Box 40 (75504) (870) 773-VOTE or (870) 772-0300
Capitol Office: State Capitol, Rm. 149L Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 682-7771