Governor Beebe headlines list of new endorsements this week

We're now less than four weeks from Election Day, and Governor Beebe took time from his schedule to come down to southwest Arkansas to endorse my candidacy, citing four reasons: the creation of over 2,000 jobs in my district, (2) building a new UofA campus in Miller County, (3) balancing the budget while cutting $730M in taxes, and (4) helping to save Cooper Tire.
Click here for video footage of Governor Beebe's endorsement from KTBS-3:
I welcome the governor's endorsement and look forward to continuing his agenda of a complete repeal of the grocery tax in Arkansas. Besides the governor's endorsement, we have also received several other endorsements of late:
(1) The Arkansas Police Benevolent Association, an organization made up of local sheriffs, deputies, and law enforcement officers;
(2) The Arkansas Concealed Carry Association, a Pro 2nd Amendment organization;
(3) Workers from Cooper Tire's 752L, the largest employer in my district;
(4) Workers from Domtar's 1327 Local, the 2nd largest employer in my district;
(5) Workers from Ash Grove Cement, the 3rd largest employer in my district;
(6) The Arkansas State Employees Association; and
(7) The Arkansas Education Assocation.
I worked hard to earn the endorsement of the National Rifle Association, but they announced this week that they are not endorsing either candidate in my race.
While in town, the governor took the time to condemn the attack mail pieces and television ads that continue to hit mailboxes in southwest Arkansas. He cited the many misrepresentations of each of these mailers, the vast majority of which are funded by out-of-state corporations run by groups who are impossible to identify.
Today's mailer stated that I voted to "advance" a fuel tax, which has "increased the cost of living." In reality, I voted to put this issue on the November ballot for Arkansas voters to approve or reject (which I routinely do anytime these issues come up -- I'd rather put the power in the hands of the people anytime I'm given the choice).
I'm hopeful that voters will see through this nonsense and send a message to these out of state groups that we don't like this type of campaigning in Arkansas.
Click here for video footage of Governor Beebe's endorsement from KTBS-3:
I welcome the governor's endorsement and look forward to continuing his agenda of a complete repeal of the grocery tax in Arkansas. Besides the governor's endorsement, we have also received several other endorsements of late:
(1) The Arkansas Police Benevolent Association, an organization made up of local sheriffs, deputies, and law enforcement officers;
(2) The Arkansas Concealed Carry Association, a Pro 2nd Amendment organization;
(3) Workers from Cooper Tire's 752L, the largest employer in my district;
(4) Workers from Domtar's 1327 Local, the 2nd largest employer in my district;
(5) Workers from Ash Grove Cement, the 3rd largest employer in my district;
(6) The Arkansas State Employees Association; and
(7) The Arkansas Education Assocation.
I worked hard to earn the endorsement of the National Rifle Association, but they announced this week that they are not endorsing either candidate in my race.
While in town, the governor took the time to condemn the attack mail pieces and television ads that continue to hit mailboxes in southwest Arkansas. He cited the many misrepresentations of each of these mailers, the vast majority of which are funded by out-of-state corporations run by groups who are impossible to identify.
Today's mailer stated that I voted to "advance" a fuel tax, which has "increased the cost of living." In reality, I voted to put this issue on the November ballot for Arkansas voters to approve or reject (which I routinely do anytime these issues come up -- I'd rather put the power in the hands of the people anytime I'm given the choice).
I'm hopeful that voters will see through this nonsense and send a message to these out of state groups that we don't like this type of campaigning in Arkansas.
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