The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Congressman Vic Snyder to speak at Arkansas House Democratic Caucus Friday

Congressman SnyderArkansas's 2nd District Congressman Vic Snyder will speak to the State House Democrats on Friday morning during the regular meeting of the caucus. I have had the unique opportunity of working for Congressman Snyder (I served as his campaign manager in 2000) and am looking forward to hearing about his son Penn and the goings-on in Washington.

Congressman Snyder has served in the United States House of Representatives since 1996 and is a physician, attorney, and veteran. He serves on two Congressional committees: the House Committee on Veterans Affairs and the House Armed Services Committee. Congressman Snyder is the ranking member of the Armed Services Subcommittee on Personnel, and serves on the Subcommittee on Readiness and the Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Health.

Congressman Snyder is married to Reverend Betsy Singleton, pastor of Quapaw Quarter United Methodist Church in Little Rock. They have one child, Charles Pennington “Penn” Snyder, who was born May 23, 2006.