The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Conference committee requested on HB1575

Section 13 of the Joint Rules provides for either body to request a conference committee on a particular piece of legislation. That was done yesterday after the House Public Health committee recommended that it "do not concur" in the Senate amendment attached to HB1575, the bill that creates the Trauma Center Revolving Trust Fund.

When this bill left the House, the funding for the Trauma System was to be financed by an increase in the fines for moving traffic violations by $25 each. The Senate amended it to delete the House funding mechanism and to create a 1% surcharge on liability insurance for personal and commercial passenger vehicles. Rule 11(p) of the Rules of the House allows the Speaker to appoint a number equal to that of Senator Critcher's conference appointees for a discussion on the matter. This conference committee will take place after adjournment today.