The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Motion to remove SB959 from House Judiciary

is on Friday's calendar. Pursuant to Rule 69 of the Rules of the House, it will take a two-thirds vote to remove the bill from the Judiciary Committee. If that is successful, the movant (Rep. Frank Glidewell) can move to suspend two more rules by the same two-thirds vote to have the bill voted upon by the full House membership tomorrow.

If the first motion is successful, he'll have to suspend Rule 64(a) to expunge the vote from the House Judiciary Committee then suspend Rule 17(p) [then 17(e)] for consideration of the matter by the body as a whole. There are other procedural maneuvers that can be used by both sides, and I'm sure that the issue will be raised about preserving the integrity of the committee system. Regardless, as a practical matter, if the first vote is successful, the House will be voting on this bill tomorrow.

Update (2:30 p.m.): We are adjourned for the day and are going to committee. The motion was passed over, and it was not raised today.