The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Doddridge community meeting

There were over 75 people in attendance last night at the First Methodist Church in Doddridge to discuss the proposed garbage dump site southwest of that town. As a little background, the owner of a Texarkana, Texas company has petitioned the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality to allow it to dump grease, fish cleaning residue, and car wash solids on a 130-acre tract it is obtaining in southern Miller County.

The seller of the tract was not in attendance but apparently did tell someone that he now wants to back out on the deal and keep his land. Regardless, those in attendance of last night's meeting were against the proposal and are requesting that ADEQ schedule a public hearing to let their concerns be known.

Specifically, the site in question is on somewhat of a hill (elevation of 318 feet), and the bottom of the field has an elevation of 256 feet. Besides the worry of contamination of drinking water (all residents are on wells there), the elevation raises the issue of surface water concerns. Additionally, prevailing winds would blow the odor of lard and fish heads in the direction of the town's homes and businesses.

Assuming the land transaction does take place, the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality will make a decision soon on whether to schedule a public hearing, and if so, when it will take place. Sulphur township, which includes Doddridge, has about 1,500 residents.