The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Poll of the month: Stimulus package

Stimulus package: For or against?
Are you in favor of one-time rebates to stimulate the economy?
Yes, I believe a stimulus package is the perfect storm door to stave off a recession.
No, this one time payment will do nothing to stoke the economy and will only be another $145 billion (1% GDP) added to the mountain of debt our children must pay.

view results
President Bush and congressional leaders are close to agreeing on a compromise economic rescue package, and there is some grumbling from both ends of the political spectrum. Are you in favor of a stimulus in the form of a rebate as high as $800 for a single person, $1,600 for married couples? About two-thirds of the money would go for tax breaks for individuals, plus extended unemployment and food stamp benefits, while the other third would be for business tax breaks. If you're in favor of a modified package, list it in "other."

Fiscal watchdogs (including Mike Ross and other Blue Dogs) are leery of quick economic fixes that would increase the federal deficit, but according to this morning's article from Stephens Media, Ross is willing to look at all the options on the table to help lower to moderate income working families. Conservatives have protested one-time tax rebates to individuals as ineffective pandering and have called for permanent breaks aimed at increasing investment. The left argues that Bush's proposed package already tilts toward the wealthy and have pushed instead for a broad investment in public works.

Previous polls:
Poll No. 11: Satellite medical school campus
Poll No. 10: Taxes
Poll No. 9: Digital billboards in Arkansas
Poll No. 8: Partisan primaries
Poll No. 7: Notification of MRSA infections
Poll No. 6: "No match" letters
Poll No. 5: Novelty lighters
Poll No. 4: 2007 Razorbacks
Poll No. 3: Governor Beebe's job performance
Poll No. 2: The severance tax
Poll No. 1: Flavored cigarettes