Funding the trauma system

During the 2007 legislative session, an impasse occurred preventing the trauma system legislation from becoming a reality. At issue was the funding source. The House's version increased fines on various traffic violations. The Senate's version had a funding source of either a vehicle insurance surcharge or a premium tax increase. A rare conference committee of House and Senate members was formed but could not reach an agreement on a funding source.
Now, Rep. Gene Shelby (D-Hot Springs), an emergency room physician, is floating the idea of a 50 cent per pack increase to the cigarette tax to provide the funding necessary for a statewide trame system. His proposal would raise approximately $70 million per year, and the estimates of the trauma system have been placed at $25 million. The current tax on cigarettes in Arkansas is 59 cents a pack (and is $1.41 across the street in Texas). Here's the Associated Press article.
Now, Rep. Gene Shelby (D-Hot Springs), an emergency room physician, is floating the idea of a 50 cent per pack increase to the cigarette tax to provide the funding necessary for a statewide trame system. His proposal would raise approximately $70 million per year, and the estimates of the trauma system have been placed at $25 million. The current tax on cigarettes in Arkansas is 59 cents a pack (and is $1.41 across the street in Texas). Here's the Associated Press article.
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