High speed rail in Arkansas

With President Obama's announcement yesterday of the broad and ambitious plan to make high speed rail a viable and practical option of travel, some Arkansans are finally seeing how far we lag behind other states in having a feasible rail plan here in the state. I secured $100K for a feasibility study in the just-ended legislative session for our portion of the South Central High Speed Rail Corridor, one of ten regional corridors that will eventually be linked togehter to provide a nationwide network of high speed rail travel in the United States. The last thing we want is for Arkansas to be bypassed in this project that will help ease congestion from our interstate highway system and provide riders with an attractive and economical option of travel. Here's more from KARK (with video).
I'm flying out to Boston this morning and will board the nation's only existing high speed train from Boston to Wasington DC early next week.
Here are a few quick facts:
• Speed: Using the existing rail bed, trains on this corridor could travel 80-110 MPH under the more economical version
• Little Rock to Dallas: About a three hour trip with no airport waiting
• Cost: Under the more economical version, about $1.3 million per mile (compared to $12-$14 million/mile for interstate highways); The more expensive Mag Lev version costs about $20-$45 million per mile but travels close to 180 mph.
• Benefits: 30% less emissions, takes cars and trucks off the interstate, no high gas prices.
Here I am at a recent rail summit in Marshall, Texas pictured former Texas state Senator and current Harrison County Judge Richard Anderson (center) and Shreveport City Councilman Calvin Lester -- both huge advocates for high speed rail in the Ark-La-Tex. Click the video above for footage of a high speed train i rode in Taiwan to show you that this form of travel won't be like traveling the slowpoke trains of old.
Update: Here's the Democrat-Gazette's article on the President's announcement.
I'm flying out to Boston this morning and will board the nation's only existing high speed train from Boston to Wasington DC early next week.
Here are a few quick facts:
• Speed: Using the existing rail bed, trains on this corridor could travel 80-110 MPH under the more economical version
• Little Rock to Dallas: About a three hour trip with no airport waiting
• Cost: Under the more economical version, about $1.3 million per mile (compared to $12-$14 million/mile for interstate highways); The more expensive Mag Lev version costs about $20-$45 million per mile but travels close to 180 mph.
• Benefits: 30% less emissions, takes cars and trucks off the interstate, no high gas prices.

Update: Here's the Democrat-Gazette's article on the President's announcement.
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