Visit with Pryor
Prior to heading out for the week, Senator Pryor took some time to show Robbie and me around the Capitol, discussing issues pertinent to the state-federal relationship and giving us a personal tour of the Senate chamber -- what a guy. After hearing about the fiscal landscape in other states, I'm thankful to be in our position. Some of the states represented have bigger deficits than our total budget. Robbie and I are heading out this afternoon to come back to Arkansas -- Robbie's connecting through Memphis and I'm coming back via Newark. I'm going back to the district tomorrow and will return to Little Rock next Friday to close out the session sine die. The Thicket has profiled Under the Dome and Robbie's blog on its front page today. Here's a link. Finally, here are a couple of pictures of the Capitol and the Supreme Court: | ![]() ![]() |

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