I was honored to receive the Breath of Life Award at last night's Cystic Fibrosis Breath of Life Gala. We had a great time, and a great crowd turned out for the event. The CF Foundation raised a lot of money for the cause. Rep. Wall McCrary was also in attendance. Here's a picture of Riley Ennis with her uncle Joshua Lewis of Texarkana.
Joshua's Law (Act 1931 of 2005, and subsequently Act 1161 of 2007), which has helped to put Arkansas on par with the nation's leaders in newborn screening. We now test for 29 conditions, including Cystic Fibrosis, so that physicians and researchers can continue to research a cure and help patients better cope with this condition.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/27/2009 06:11:00 AM | Permalink |
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Football Saturday
I'm back at my Little Rock apartment after attending a great workshop on blogging by the Society of Professional Journalists. I'll watch the Alabama-Arkansas game from here before heading over to the Cystic Fibrosis Breath of Life Gala tonight at the LR Doubletree. Beautiful day here in the capital city:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/26/2009 02:23:00 PM | Permalink |
Friday, September 25, 2009
I attended a breakfast this morning to hear a Texas perspective on the section of future I-69 from Texarkana to Laredo, and this could have a huge impact on Arkansas. As you can see from the picture below, one plan includes the transport of freight on a tram that is elevated 16 feet above the freeway. Cost of construction? Good question -- I don't know.
Moving that freight from the port of Houston along the electric tram north on I-69 would cost approximately 8.5 cents per mile. If this becomes reality, Texarkana would like to construct an intermodal facility where that freight could be taken from the tram and put on trucks on I-30, I-49 or I-69, on the Red River, or on rail. The tram could also be easily modified in emergencies for evacuation, etc. As you can see from the picture below, there wouldn't be as much a need for truck traffic on the interstate, which could save additional money on maintenance. It's an exciting project.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/25/2009 10:32:00 AM | Permalink |
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Constitution Day Redux
Part of my presentation to local 9th graders this morning included a video from the Arkansas Bar Association that described the judicial branch. The video included testimonials from Beebe, Pryor, Bumpers, Justices Hannah and Brown, Judges Lavenski Smith, Bill Wilson, and Cindy Thyer, local attorney Nick Patton, and several others. This was a pre-AP Civics class at Arkansas High in Texarkana.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/24/2009 10:16:00 AM | Permalink |
Four States Fair
From atop the ferris wheel
Not sure about the ferris wheel
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/24/2009 10:04:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
First endorsement
I'm honored to receive the first endorsement of the campaign down here. I received the endorsement of the local central labor and trades council from Little River and Miller counties after an interview last night. This council includes the workers from Domtar, Cooper Tire, Ash Grove Cement, USPS, and many more.
Speaking of endorsements. Here's a picture from Facebook of future Senator David Mayo, my new front man, from the fair last night. While an Arkansas resident, his mom is the former Miss Texas (2001), and his dad is with the Mayo Manufacturing Company here in Texarkana. His uncle is the Texas-side mayor, so he already has politics in his blood.
Speaking of Facebook: Here's a picture taken this morning by Kirk Jordan, the governor's photographer. Check out others on his FB page.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/22/2009 01:51:00 PM | Permalink |
Breath of Life Gala
Thanks to THV for mentioning the upcoming Breath of Life Gala on its morning show this morning. I'm honored to receive the Breath of Life Award at this year's event, which is sponsored by the Arkansas Chapter of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Please consider purchasing a ticket to this Saturday's event, which will be held at the Little Rock Doubletree at 6:00 p.m. With the Hogs kicking off at 2:30 at Alabama on CBS, you can watch the game and attend this event. Tickets are $150, tax deductible, and the proceeds will help find a cure and help those living with the condition to attain a great quality of life.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/22/2009 08:45:00 AM | Permalink |
Monday, September 21, 2009
Fair Parade
Here's a 13 year old veteran of fair parades. The rain held off over the weekend, and we had a good turnout for the parade and the Four States Fair. I'll be in and out for the next couple of weeks catching up on work and campaign stuff, working on a legislative project, and racheting up my efforts for the upcoming New York Marathon. Posting will be light.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/21/2009 08:18:00 AM | Permalink |
Friday, September 18, 2009
Ducks on the pond
Because of all the rain, the field behind my house has flooded, and there were ducks out on it this morning. I may be able to go hunting this fall without leaving the back porch.
Thursday night. Our county committee met last night, and then Hospice of Texarkana made a presentation about their new capital campaign at the home of my neighbors, Bill and Jerre Roberts. I ended the night back in Hempstead County in Fulton at a shrimp boil benefiting UACCH. Here's a picture from the auction that accompanied it:
Friday. I'm up at the office finishing up my PowerPoint for today's Constitution Day presentation at Texas A&M-Texarkana at lunch. This morning, though, I'm participating in Congressman Ross's annual skeet shoot over at Grandview in Hempstead County. Bubba Powers, Brent Talley and I somehow won the second flight last year in the shoot. After my noon address, I have a photo shoot, then I'm off to Little Rock for a meeting with the governor. I hope to be back to catch the second half of a local football game tonight.
Update: Congressman Mike Ross addresses the Game and Fish Legislative Subcommittee this morning. We're now hearing an update on the Telechek system and the Game and Fish iPhone app.
Update II: 35/50 this morning. Not good enough to place, especially when former olympian/sniper Randy Stewart is shooting.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/18/2009 07:00:00 AM | Permalink |
Thursday, September 17, 2009
29th Annual Public Safety Officers Appreciation Banquet
Before heading over to the Joint Interim Committee on Transportation at Hope, I'll be the speaker at today's 29th Annual Public Safety Officers Appreciation Banquet here in Texarkana, hosted by all of the area Rotary Clubs. The governor came down and spoke last year. I'll post an update from Hope.
Update: Nine officers and firefighters were recognized at today's luncheon for their service over the past year. Some of the incidents they resolve on the spur of the moment are amazing. Here's a pic from the banquet:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/17/2009 01:26:00 PM | Permalink |
Lincoln to unveil own provisions in health care proposal
Senator Blanche Lincoln will brief Arkansas reporters at 11:00 a.m. Arkansas time on Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus’ health care reform proposal, or "Chairman’s Mark." Lincoln, a member of the committee, will unveil her own provisions included in the Chairman’s Mark, which serves as a first draft of the committee’s health care reform proposal.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/17/2009 09:29:00 AM | Permalink |
Two Supreme Court races
I just got a call from Pulaski County Circuit Judge Tim Fox, who called to say that he's officially in the race to replace the retiring Justice Annabelle Imber. Court of Appeals Judge Karen Baker announced on her Facebook page on Tuesday that she'll also seek that seat, leaving the other contested race for the Arkansas Supreme Court between Circuit Judge John Fogleman and Court of Appeals Judge Courtney Henry.
Also on the campaign front: Rep. David Cook (D-Williford) will not seek the Senate seat being vacated by Senator Paul Miller (D-Melbourne). Miller is term-limited, and it has been widely circulated that Cook and Rep. Curren Everett (D-Salem) would face each other. Everett has announced his intentions to seek the seat, and the only other candidate apparently considering is former Rep. Paul Weaver.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/17/2009 09:02:00 AM | Permalink |
Transportation and economic growth
I'll sit on a transportation panel this afternoon with AHTD Director Dan Flowers in conjunction with a legislative committee meeting on transportation at the University of Arkansas Community College at Hope. The meeting will be hosted by UACCH Chancellor (and former Rep.) Chris Thomason as well as Sen. Larry Teague and Rep. Bubba Powers, and part of the discussion will focus on the economic growth and impact on tourism that is tied to transportation.
A similar discussion took place yesterday in Fort Smith, where the first meeting of the Regional Intermodal Authority was held at UAFS. Rep. Rick Green, R-Van Buren, is pictured right with Rep. Stephanie Malone, R-Fort Smith, as they address the group (City Wire photo). Green was instrumental in obtaining the $375,000 used to create the authority and fund its first steps. Here's more on that meeting from the City Wire.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/17/2009 08:26:00 AM | Permalink |
Rainfall now over a foot since Friday
Over a foot of rainfall has fallen in southwest Arkansas since last Friday. Because of the rain hitting the roof, I was already up when the alarm went off this morning. I turned on the tv and saw what looked like a break in the radar, and by the time I laced up my running shoes, the rain had stopped. At about 5:40, and about 2.5 miles from home, the skies opened. It didn't let up on the way home, and there's more on the way. The weekend forecast looks good, per Chip McAfee.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/17/2009 06:46:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Cutting the ribbon on a new Center on Aging
The Texarkana Regional Center on Aging held on open house in its new facility this afternoon after utilizing some General Improvement Funds for the project. The center will also be the first facility in Arkansas to engage in geriatric telemedicine with its initial partner, Howard Memorial Hospital, in Nashville.
The center will provide services to the elderly in nine southwest Arkansas counties in an effort to increase the quality of life for seniors. With the largest generation of Americans ever entering the latter stages of life and people living longer than ever before, it's crucial to ensure that state-of-the-art technology, research and patient care is readily available.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/15/2009 04:43:00 PM | Permalink |
Republican primary in House District 66
Rep. Rick Green (R-Van Buren) sends along word that a second Republican has announced for the seat he currently holds. Green cannot seek re-election in 2010 due to term limits. Gary Deffenbaugh, 60 years old, of Van Buren, announced yesterday that he will run against Kevin Holmes, a Van Buren attorney, who has previously announced that he will also seek the seat. Deffenbaugh is a former coach and teacher in the Van Buren School District. Here's more from today's Southwest Times Record.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/15/2009 01:55:00 PM | Permalink |
Today in the district: Speaking to the Texarkana Bar
I'm off to address the Texarkana Bar Association for lunch. Here's the PowerPoint I'm using for part of my presentation. I'll post an update after the meeting.
Update: Kristie Wright was named Texarkana Attorney of the Year at today's meeting. Also on hand was Jon Beck, a newly licensed attorney in town who served as the intern for the House Judiciary Committee during the session.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/15/2009 11:38:00 AM | Permalink |
A couple of essentials for you political junkies
Here are a few applications for you iPhone users who need something else to keep you occupied. I'm sure someone local will eventually develop an Arkansas-specific app, but it's not here yet.
This app by Cohen Research costs 99¢ for the basic data and $4.99 for the expanded version, but each has information on all members of the U.S. House and Senate, including office location, length of term, district they serve, legislative staffers, contact information, and even links to their Twitter accounts. Click here for the application.
This app by Magnificent Library gives you information not only on federal elections but statewide and state legislative elections as well. For 99¢, you not only get information on the candidates, but poll updates from Pollster, Gallup, and Rasmussen. You can even watch video of different debates and news feeds from some of the major news sources. Download here.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/15/2009 09:52:00 AM | Permalink |
Censure, schmensure
While the U.S. House considers a resolution to denounce Congressman Joe Wilson for his outburst during last week's address by the president, the Wilson re-election campaign sends out his wife via this web ad to defend his passion and work ethic.
Yeah, he was out of line, but I'm probably in the minority in thinking that this thing just ought to die. Piling on by adopting a resolution will help him raise another million from those who think he's been victimized, so he probably doesn't mind. Fellow House Republican from South Carolina, Bob Inglis, tells Wilson he should go to the well of the House and apologize.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/15/2009 09:34:00 AM | Permalink |
Election day
There are three contested school board elections in Miller County today - two in Fouke and one in Texarkana (from the Sandflat area to College Hill). Voters in 10 school districts will vote on millage increases, but the state's biggest election is in Fayetteville, where voters will decide whether to approve a 4.9-mill property tax increase to finance a $115 million bond issue for construction of a new school. Go vote.
As an aside, some of the highest millage rates in the state are right here in Miller County. Fouke has the highest school millage rate in the state at 49.0, but next door, Genoa is higher (63.0) when considering the overall city and county total. Little Rock has the highest overall total at 70.5. If Fayetteville voters approve the millage increase there, the rate for that school district will be 47.8. A mill is one-tenth of a cent. Each mill produces $1 of tax for every $1,000 of assessed valuation. Here's the complete schedule of millage rates in Arkansas.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/15/2009 06:48:00 AM | Permalink |
Monday, September 14, 2009
Today in the District: Retired Federal Employees Assoc.
I spent the afternoon speaking to the Retired Federal Employees Association. Of course, they're much more interested in federal legislation, but a lot of changes have taken place in the last three years locally, so it was a good meeting. I'm now headed over to Lafayette County.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/14/2009 03:20:00 PM | Permalink |
Thanks, Today's Man
I'm honored to be able to discuss the importance of finding a cure for Cystic Fibrosis in this month's Today's Man magazine. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation of Arkansas will gather for its annual gala in Little Rock on Saturday, September 26 at the Doubletree, and I'm honored to receive this year's Breath of Life Award. Please consider purchasing a ticket to this event -- almost 100% of your $150 ticket price will be used as the means to cure and control cystic fibrosis.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/14/2009 06:31:00 AM | Permalink |
SEC schedule starts Saturday
"Malvern Hog" passes along this trailer for the upcoming game against Georgia at Razorback Stadium Saturday night. I fell asleep during the latter part of the UGA game against South Carolina last Saturday and didn't realize how close it was at the end until I saw the highlights yesterday morning. Since the game has been moved to a 6:45 p.m. kickoff for a national ESPN audience, I'll be able to make my campaign event and the game in Fayetteville. There's lots of renewed interest in the Hogs down here this year due to Ryan Mallett and Dennis Johnson, and this ought to be a good game.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/14/2009 06:15:00 AM | Permalink |
Miles Chapel CME turns 121
I ran over to Miles Chapel CME yesterday, which celebrated its 121st Anniversary, and the 80th year in its current location. The church is one of the oldest still in existence in the area, and it's pastored by my friend Anthony Ware, who's also a member of the Arkansas-side school board. Pastors from all over southwest Arkansas attended, as did Senior Bishop William Graves of Memphis, who's the CEO of the entire CME denomination.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/14/2009 05:55:00 AM | Permalink |
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Arkansas Sunday Edition
I've been away from the site with other obligations for the past few days. You can catch me this morning on Blake Rutherford's Sunday Edition in a few minutes. I'll be on for the 8:00 hour, and we'll be taking calls (501-433-1037). You can listen live online here or tune in to 103.7 FM.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/13/2009 07:47:00 AM | Permalink |
Catching up
I've been catching up at the office for the last couple of days, and I've missed out on posting quite a bit of news.
Call me Madame Chair. Senator Blanche Lincoln takes on a new role as chairman of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry. In doing so, she becomes the first woman and first Arkansan to chair the committee. The chairmanship became possible after the vacancy of the HELP chairmanship due to the death of Senator Kennedy and the promotion of Sen. Harkin into that spot. Here's Lincoln discussing the new position with Arkansas reporters:
Cooper Tire workers elated. In a move that will surely cause a stir in trade debates, Obama slapped tariffs on all car and light truck tires entering the United States from China. It's been the talk of the town here for months that U.S. tiremakers are taking a beating on foreign tires, especially those coming from China, and that without actions, American tire production (and workers here) could suffer. The 1,500 or so workers here were breaking out the fine wine on Friday.
Nine years and counting. Arkansas High dropped another one to crosstown rival Texas High Friday night, and the Hogs now have failed to win a game in the series for going on nine years. After falling behind 24-0 in the 2nd Quarter, the Razorbacks made a furious comeback, only to miss an onsides kick with a minute remaining. The finals score was 34-28.
2008 video.
Vacancy on the Supreme Court. Justice Annabelle Clinton Imber announced that she will retire from the Arkansas Supreme Court at the end of the year. According to a listserv I receive, Pulaski County Circuit Judge Tim Fox will send out a press release today announcing his candidacy for the position.
More announcements. Rep. Gene Shelby formally announced his candidacy for State Senate District 19 (Garland) last week, as did former Rep. Jeremy Hutchinson over in State Senate District 22 (Saline, western Pulaski). Several will be filing for the upcoming election called by Governor Beebe to fill the Senate slot opened by the recent resignation of Sen. Sharon Trusty (R-Russellville) doe to a family illness in Senate District 4, including Democrat John Burnett and former Representative and Republican Michael Lamoureux.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/13/2009 06:49:00 AM | Permalink |
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Judiciary Committee
We're convening a meeting of the House and Senate Judiciary Committee this afternoon at the Capitol to adopt some Interim Study Proposals. I'll chair today's meeting, and Sen. Wilkinson will chair the next joint meeting. We'll also take up two ISPs in today's meeting. Here's the agenda, and here are the attachments.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/09/2009 01:23:00 PM | Permalink |
Touring Domtar
I toured the Domtar plant in Ashdown this morning before heading u here to the Capitol for a joint Judiciary meeting. Domtar now employs over a thousand and is home to the largest and fastest paper machine west of the Mississippi. "Machine 64," one of four machines at the mill, puts out 3,500 feet of paper a minute, and the plant produces a million tons of paper annually. The Ashdown mill produces just about every type of paper imaginable, including your standard 8.5x11 recycled copy paper (right).
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/09/2009 01:18:00 PM | Permalink |
On the trail, at the Capitol
I'll be making a plant tour this morning before heading up a joint meeting of House and Senate Judiciary (agenda) this afternoon at the Capitol. I'll check in from Little Rock this afternoon.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/09/2009 07:50:00 AM | Permalink |
Speaking to students
I'm scheduled to speak to three classes in the next two weeks here in southwest Arkansas (don't keep your kids home, please!). Next week is Constitution Week, so I'm putting together a PowerPoint for a variety of ages. Speaking of speeches to students, two of the four school districts in Texarkana showed Obama's speech live yesterday. The Texarkana Arkansas School District aired the speech, as did Texarkana Independent School District in Texas. Pleasant Grove and Liberty Eylau opted not to show the speech. Reactions in today's Texarkana Gazette are mixed, as expected.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/09/2009 07:32:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Town hall to highlight clean energy this afternoon
Numerous town halls, roundtables, forums, and shouting matches have taken place across the state over the last month. POTUS radio even refers to last month as Angry August. As Congress settles in post-Labor Day, events will continue around the state, beginning with a town hall tonight focusing on green jobs in Arkansas. It'll begin at 5:00 p.m. this afternoon, and it'll take place in Grand Hall B at Pulaski Tech in North Little Rock. From the release:
Arkansas workers and their families have been hit hard by the economic downturn, but we can create good jobs with good wages right here in Arkansas, by investing in a clean energy economy. According to the Center for American Progress, transitioning to a clean energy economy will create more than 18,000 jobs here in Arkansas while reducing harmful carbon pollution and breaking our dependence on foreign oil.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/08/2009 11:54:00 AM | Permalink |
Monday, September 7, 2009
Labor Day Fish Fry
The local 752L chapter of the Steelworkers put on their annual Labor Day fish fry today here in Texarkana. In addition to the local officials, several electeds and candidates were in attendance, including Dustin McDaniel, Courtney Henry, and Pat O'Brien.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/07/2009 06:23:00 PM | Permalink |
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Best way to keep up with the game from afar, outside of texting and Twitter, seems to be this free college football iPhone app from Plusmo. Texarkana standouts Ryan Mallett and Dennis Johnson both had good games before a crowd of 55,572 at War Memorial Stadium. Here's a picture from Razorback Billy in the south endzone:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/06/2009 10:33:00 AM | Permalink |
Friday, September 4, 2009
Sitting on the beach
I came down to Pensacola, Fla. with friends and family for a couple of days. We'll be following the AHS Razorbacks (vs. North Little Rock) and the big Razorbacks (vs. Missouri State) via the Internet. I'm back on the trail on Monday for a couple of labor day events.
Update (Friday night): Uh huh...
Sen. Lincoln is holding a town hall meeting in Jonesboro at ASU that is beginning now. She'll appear on KARN's Dave Elswick show this afternoon at 3:30.
Update: Early voting for school board elections begins Tuesday at the Miller County Courthouse at 400 Laurel in Texarkana. It lasts through Sept 14, and the hours are 8:00 to 4:30.
Update II: Camille checks out the F/A-18 squadron of the Blue Angels at the National Naval Air Museum:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/04/2009 08:35:00 AM | Permalink |
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Cap & Trade Town Hall
The Texarkana Chamber of Commerce is hosting a town hall meeting this morning featuring Claiborne Deming on the Waxman-Markey proposal this morning. The bill, of course, has already passsed the U.S. House.
-- Post From My iPhone
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/03/2009 08:40:00 AM | Permalink |
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Conveyance of the Collins home
I stepped out after my last appointment and crossed state line this evening for the transfer of ownership of one of the charming architectural beauties here in town: the Ben & Jane Collins home. Flanked by a couple of old oaks, I've always thought it epitomized what Texas architecture should be.
The Wadley Foundation deeded the property in a ceremony to the Texarkana Volunteer Center. Several groups use the home for receptions, etc., and it's used annually for our Komen race (more pics) down here.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/02/2009 06:47:00 PM | Permalink |
GIS business plan workshop
I'm off to Hope to address leaders in the area of geographic information systems at lunch today. Earlier this year, I sponsored legislation to rename the Arkansas State Land Information Board to the Arkansas Geographic Information Systems Board (Act 244). The legislation also required the board to make the statewide digital cadastre system a mandatory function. The data that the agency can produce is fascinating, and it shows what technology can do not only to help economic development efforts but to to help government agencies provide a rapid response after specific events such as natural disasters. Think of Google Earth on steroids.
For example, a radar overlay of a tornado can automatically produce the names and contact information of all property owners in and adjacent to the path of the storm. The agency has used this information to distribute to law enforcement and utility providers to speed along the recovery process.
Another: a developer may have a need for a certain parcel of land within 3 miles of a major water source and within 10 miles of an interstate highway in an area with access to a workforce that includes at least 2,500 college graduates. Within seconds, this agency would be able to pinpoint every area in the state that meets that criteria. As Governor Beebe has said:
"The impetus ... for those who are foot dragging at this juncture to speed up their own efforts to make their community more competitive. If your community is not on here, if your community is only here with half of the things that it should have on it, if your community hasn't in effect done those things that they can do to put their best foot forward and have it reflected on something that is going to be viewed by site selectors across ... the world as we have seen in recent months, then you are going to fall behind."
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/02/2009 09:44:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
SPJ Blogging Academy
I'll participate in an interesting blogging workshop hosted by the Society of Professional Journalists later this month. The agenda will include ethics and legal issues associated with reporting for the web, accessing government entities (including FOIA issues), and how to make best use of your material, including writing, linking, etc. Here are the details:
SPJ Blogging Academy Saturday, Sept. 26th, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Bowen School of Law, Little Rock
And, besides me, the lineup includes Max Brantley, Andrew DeMillo, Kelly MacNeil, David Kinkade, Jason Tolbert (can't attend, but will help organize), Cathy Frye, Kyran Pittman, and Scott Miller.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/01/2009 04:02:00 PM | Permalink |
Lincoln, Pryor, Ross Announce $68,124 to Texarkana, Miller County Law Enforcement
Senators Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor and Congressman Mike Ross today announced today that Texarkana and Miller County have been awarded a grant totaling $68,124 from the Edward Bryne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program through the U.S. Department of Justice. The grant money will be used to support equipment purchases for Texarkana and Miller County law enforcement agencies.
Texarkana will use its share to purchase an Agile Mesh surveillance camera system and a squad car for the Texarkana Police Department. Miller County will use its allocation to purchase uniforms, uniform equipment, and crime scene supplies for the Miller County Sherriff’s Department.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/01/2009 03:12:00 PM | Permalink |
Governor issues writ to fill Trusty vacancy
Governor Beebe sent a letter today to the Chairmen of the Arkansas Democratic Party and the Republican Party of Arkansas regarding the resignation of State Senator Sharon Trusty. In the letter, the governor requested each party to make a determination as to whether either desires to hold a special primary election or a convention of delegates to select candidates for the special election that will be held to fill the vacancy. Depending on the response, the governor will set the date of the special election and other associated election-related requirements by an Executive Order.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/01/2009 01:40:00 PM | Permalink |
Miller County bottoms
It's been a Louisiana law day for me today. I spent this morning in court in Shreveport, then ran over to Webster Parish to dig through deed records in Minden. There have been a couple of political announcements today: Republicans Gil Baker announced for U.S. Senate against Sen. Lincoln and Matthew Shepherd announced for State House District 6, which is open due to Rep. John Lowery being term limited.
I came back through Doddridge, and here's a Miller County setting not unlike many you'll see in southern Louisiana. This is near the Sulphur River at Spruell's Cafe about 20 miles south of Texarkana. I've never seen spanish moss anywhere else in Arkansas outside of this area and Lake Felsenthal in southeast Arkansas.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 9/01/2009 01:05:00 PM | Permalink |
Sen. Steve Harrelson
District 11
Steve Harrelson represents Senate District 11 in southwest Arkansas.
District Office: 300 State Line Avenue Texarkana, Arkansas 71854 Post Office Box 40 (75504) (870) 773-VOTE or (870) 772-0300
Capitol Office: State Capitol, Rm. 149L Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 682-7771