The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Transportation and economic growth

I'll sit on a transportation panel this afternoon with AHTD Director Dan Flowers in conjunction with a legislative committee meeting on transportation at the University of Arkansas Community College at Hope. The meeting will be hosted by UACCH Chancellor (and former Rep.) Chris Thomason as well as Sen. Larry Teague and Rep. Bubba Powers, and part of the discussion will focus on the economic growth and impact on tourism that is tied to transportation.

A similar discussion took place yesterday in Fort Smith, where the first meeting of the Regional Intermodal Authority was held at UAFS. Rep. Rick Green, R-Van Buren, is pictured right with Rep. Stephanie Malone, R-Fort Smith, as they address the group (City Wire photo). Green was instrumental in obtaining the $375,000 used to create the authority and fund its first steps. Here's more on that meeting from the City Wire.