The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Former U.S. Senator David Boren visits the Capitol

Here's a picture of former U.S. Senator David Boren (D-Oklahoma) making a point to Arkansas Secretary of State Charlie Daniels today as he signed copies of his book A letter to America. Former U.S. Senator David Pryor sits in the background. Boren now serves as the president of the University of Oklahoma. Boren's father and my grandfather served in the U.S. House together back in the 40s, and his son now serves the U.S. House seat in Oklahoma that adjoins southwestern Arkansas.

Boren told of one war story from his days of helping David Pryor on one particular campaign. Apparently, he had spoken at a Pryor rally in Texarkana and ended up flying through weather en route to Seminole, Oklahoma that was so bad, an inspection of the plane upon a forced landing showed some permanent warping to the plane's frame. They drove the remaining 80 miles in to OKC that night.