The proposed 130-acre dump site near Doddridge that's been a hot topic this week on the blog and on the street has been taken off the market, according to sources close to the transaction. This also means, of course, that other Arkansas property may be the target of a proposed dump site for fish cleaning and grease trap residue. Here are the previous blog entries: 8/28/07; 8/24/07.
Update (Sat.):The Texarkana Gazette doesn't have its online content up as of the time I'm typing this, but click here to go to the electronic replica of today's paper. This story headlines today's edition.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/31/2007 06:03:00 PM | Permalink |
Midday news
AP Interview: Pryor still backs secret timetable for Iraq Associated Press: Huckabee says D.C. should be granted voting rights Associated Press: Ark. computers erase criticism, make changes Texarkana Gazette: Rep. Sullivan announces for the Arkansas Senate KATV: Poker room in Little Rock plans to open despite warnings KTBS: Idea to turn Texas interstates into toll roads draws more fire On the blogosphere: Will Ark. legislators quit spitting in the House?
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/31/2007 04:48:00 PM | Permalink |
Bar exam results are posted -- Update
My cousin, Nate Steel of Nashville, Ark. just learned that he passed. Congrats, Nate. Top score was Sarah Keith-Bolden of Little Rock. Here are the results (Word Doc).
Update: Thanks to the comment in this post, I see that Rep. Dan Greenberg passed on well. Congrats, Dan.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/31/2007 04:24:00 PM | Permalink |
Arkansas Week
It's Ann Clemmer, Lance Turner, David Sanders, and Larry Fugate joining Steve Barnes tonight.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/31/2007 04:17:00 PM | Permalink |
Labor Day weekend in Arkansas
A lot of the weekend activities have already begun around the state. Of course, the headliner is the football opener in Fayetteville, and many boaters will be getting in one last ride on lakes around the state. Here are some of the other events taking place this weekend:
Clinton: 22nd Ann. Nat'l Champ. Chuckwagon Race Mountain View: Tribute to Grandpa Jones Concerts North Little Rock: 37th Nat'l Singles Dance-A-Rama Eureka Springs: Gospel Celebration at Passion Play Lake Catherine: End of Summer Celebration Solgohachia: Labor Day Family Camp Dardanelle: Mount Nebo Labor Day Fun Millwood State Park: Labor Day weekend activities Bull Shoals: White River Days Devils Den: Last day of the summer crevice exploration hikes County Fairs: The Newton, Washington, Randolph and Miller County Fairs are taking place this weekend.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/31/2007 06:53:00 AM | Permalink |
State disbursing add'l city and county turnbacks Tuesday
The 86th General Assembly appropriated a supplemental and additional $12 million to cities and $12 million to counties using a portion of the General Improvement Fund. The reasons for doing so were well publicized and debated during the session: (a) special and local appropriations are prohibited by the Constitution (buttressed by Wilson v. Weiss); (b) worthy local projects can be funded by local governments; (c) local governments have not had a one-time increase in decades; and (d) we had the resources to distribute funds to local governments, many which have been cash-strapped while the state has enjoyed a surplus. The funds will be distributed according to the normal turnback formula (Ark. Code Ann. §§ 19-5-601, 602) and will be released Tuesday, September 4, 2007.
Here are approximate amounts for my district: Miller County: $165,383.78 City of Texarkana: $181,384.56
By contrast: Largest county: Pulaski: $525,634.02; smallest county: Calhoun: $126,445.72 Largest city: Little Rock: $1,255,955.02; smallest city: Gilbert (Pop. 33) $226.32
9:00 a.m.: Governor Beebe visits Watson Intermediate Elementary School (LR); 11:00 a.m.: Governor Beebe speaks at the opening celebration of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (Ft. Smith Holiday Inn); 2:00 p.m.: Governor Beebe holds news conference regarding new need-based college grant program (UA Admin Bldg., Fayetteville); 6:00 p.m.: Governor Beebe attends the 2007 induction to the Arkansas Sports Hall of Fame (Hammonds Center, Rogers).
10:00 a.m.: Governor Beebe will announce Arkansas as one of only seven states receiving a new grant from the National Math and Science Initiative (NMSI) supporting a new Advanced Placement training and incentive program. Beebe will be joined by officials from the Department of Education, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, NMSI and ExxonMobil, the primary financial supporters of the grant (Governor's Conference Room); 11:00 a.m.: Beebe presents award at the Silver Sneakers Award Ceremony (Statehouse Conv. Center); 7:00 p.m.: Beebe attends the Big Brothers/Big Sisters Roast and Toast (LR Peabody)
Looking for something to do today? - Labor Day activities begin at Millwood State Park - The Newton, Washington, Randolph and Miller County Fairs are underway.
Ark. Democrat Gazette: Shareholder vote OKs Alltel’s sale Ark. Democrat Gazette: SWEPCO plant cost estimate disputed Ark. Democrat Gazette: Jefferson Co. audit finds ethics rules broken Associated Press: Wal-Mart gives UA $1.5 million for "green" retail research Associated Press: Pine Bluff's new marketing: The Anchor of Southeast Arkansas Ark. News Bureau: Alltel shareholders approve $26.3B private equity buyout Ark. News Bureau: Econ. impact of Fayetteville Shale surpassing predictions Ark. News Bureau: Lawmaker pulls proposal to ban snuff from House chamber Ark. News Bureau: ASU officials: Wireless mobile unit has unused potential
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/30/2007 05:21:00 AM | Permalink |
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Rep. Adcock calls for ban of all tobacco products under the dome
Here's the Associated Press article from today's Rules Committee meeting.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/29/2007 05:39:00 PM | Permalink |
Candidate announcements today
Rep. Scott Sullivan (D-DeQueen) announces his candidacy for Senate District 20. The only other candidate for this position so far is former Rep. Larry Teague (D-Nashville). [Hope Star]
Jerry Lee Bogard and Tiffany Rogers will face off in the House District 14 Democratic primary to replace term-limited Speaker Benny Petrus. Both candidates are from Stuttgart. [Stuttgart Daily Leader]
Thomas Akin (D-Russellville) will kick off his campaign for House District 68 at a reception at the train depot in Russellville on September 20, 2007 at 5:00 p.m.
Governor Beebe: No official events scheduled today.
Lt. Gov. Halter: No official events scheduled today.
Looking for something to do today? - 9:00 a.m.: Fayetteville Shale Symposium (UCA Reynolds Hall) - The Newton, Washington, Randolph and Miller County Fairs are underway.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/29/2007 06:26:00 AM | Permalink |
In Memoriam: Billy Watkins (1929-2007)
A devoted worker for Timex for 32 years, Billy Watkins was as hard a worker in the campaign trenches as I've ever known. He drove his old blue Chevy decorated with Democratic stickers to every single campaign event within Pulaski County. He died Monday after a brief illness.
I had the opportunity of getting to know Billy back during the fall elections of 1996. I last saw him at the JJ Dinner at Alltel Arena last month. He served on the Pulaski County Democratic Committee as well as the DPA State Committee. He was a member of Senior Democrats and was a delegate to the 1996 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. His signature reply to how're you doing was "I'm doing good for a young fellow!"
If a Democratic campaign needed someone to put out yard signs all it took was a phone call. Soon, Mr. Billy and his cigar would arrive ready with the stakes and his mallet. He was a devoted husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. He volunteered for many worthwhile organizations, served as a crossing guard, and was an Army veteran of the Korean War. He worked hard to serve and help others until his health failed three weeks ago. I'm gonna miss him.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/29/2007 06:19:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Miller County Fair Parade
The parade was held in Fouke last night. Here's the website for the fair. It'll open at 6:00 p.m. tonight and every night this week.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/28/2007 10:30:00 AM | Permalink |
Doddridge community meeting
There were over 75 people in attendance last night at the First Methodist Church in Doddridge to discuss the proposed garbage dump site southwest of that town. As a little background, the owner of a Texarkana, Texas company has petitioned the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality to allow it to dump grease, fish cleaning residue, and car wash solids on a 130-acre tract it is obtaining in southern Miller County.
The seller of the tract was not in attendance but apparently did tell someone that he now wants to back out on the deal and keep his land. Regardless, those in attendance of last night's meeting were against the proposal and are requesting that ADEQ schedule a public hearing to let their concerns be known.
Specifically, the site in question is on somewhat of a hill (elevation of 318 feet), and the bottom of the field has an elevation of 256 feet. Besides the worry of contamination of drinking water (all residents are on wells there), the elevation raises the issue of surface water concerns. Additionally, prevailing winds would blow the odor of lard and fish heads in the direction of the town's homes and businesses.
Assuming the land transaction does take place, the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality will make a decision soon on whether to schedule a public hearing, and if so, when it will take place. Sulphur township, which includes Doddridge, has about 1,500 residents.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/28/2007 08:40:00 AM | Permalink |
U.S. Senator Larry Craig and the Arkansas Family Council
In the wake of a conviction of U.S. Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho) for activity involving an apparent homosexual act, it's obvious that he would be ineligible to adopt a child in this state under the plans being put forth by the Arkansas Family Council. The main point of this post is to determine how a law to prohibit homosexuals from adopting or foster parenting is to be enforced. The goal of their plan is obvious -- the proposals submitted by them to achieve the goal are more suspect.
In the most recent legislative session, SB959 would've prevented homosexuals from adopting or acting as foster parents. One of the problems I had with the legislation is its enforcement and the fact that the Family Council didn't give us any direction on the definition of a homosexual. Of course, I'm pretty sure what one is, but does it include single acts like in the Senator Craig example (well, one act that we know of)? What if the person denies being a homosexual? Senator Craig told the Idaho Statesman that he'd never engaged in a homosexual act. If we simply take one's word for it, Senator Craig would be eligible to adopt as many children as he'd like here.
Last week, the Family Council submitted a proposed initiated act (click here for the document) to the Attorney General that would prohibit unmarried cohabiting couples from adopting or acting as foster parents. They were quoted in the statewide media as saying that the goal is to prohibit homosexual couples or couples living in sin from adopting or foster parenting. Since Senator Craig is married, he would again be eligible for adopting a child in Arkansas. I understand the goal of the Family Council. I'm simply asking for them to put forth a plan to accurately achieve this goal without letting the Larry Craigs of the world slip through. At that point, the people of Arkansas can determine whether or not to prohibit homosexuals (or unmarried cohabiting couples) from acting as parents.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/28/2007 08:21:00 AM | Permalink |
Governor Beebe: 1:00 p.m.: Governor Beebe will announce new funds available to Arkansas students who need financial assistance to attend college (Pulaski Tech, NLR)
Looking for something to do today? - The Newton, Washington, Randolph and Miller County Fairs are underway. - There is a full moon cruise at Lake DeGray beginning at 9:00 p.m. - Brian Kelly with USNWR will speak at the Clinton School on that publication's annual college ranking guide (Sturgis Hall; Noon); I received my invitation about the time this year's rankings were revealed (Princeton No. 1), and there has been some criticism of the rankings. Ought to be a good program.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/27/2007 08:09:00 AM | Permalink |
Poll of the week: 2007 Razorbacks
It's that time of the year. Let's hear your opinion on the Hogs' 2007 record. I'm headed up the Hill alone this weekend while the rest of my family goes to Waco. Here's the schedule to help you with your vote:
9/1 Troy (Fayetteville) 9/15 At Alabama 9/22 Kentucky (Fayetteville) 9/29 North Texas (Fayetteville) 10/6 Tennessee-Chattanooga (Little Rock) 10/13 Auburn (Fayetteville) 10/20 At Ole Miss 10/27 Florida International (HC- Fayetteville) 11/3 South Carolina (Fayetteville) 11/10 At Tennessee 11/17 Mississippi State (Little Rock) 11/23 At LSU
Here are some good football quotes to get you in the season:
"You can learn more character on the two-yard line than anywhere else in life." Paul Dietzel (LSU)
"All the white meat is gone. There's nothin' but necks on the platter." Darrell Royal (Texas) on the rest of a tough schedule after beating a couple of soft opponents.
"If you want to walk the heavenly streets of gold, you gotta know the password, 'Roll, Tide, Roll!'" Bear Bryant (Alabama) (a distant cousin of mine)
"It was like having a big ol' lollipop in your mouth and the first thing you know all you have is the stick." Darrell Royal (Texas) on losing a game in the last minute
"Football is only a game. Spiritual things are eternal. Nevertheless, Beat Texas." Seen on a church sign in Fayetteville prior to the 1969 Big Shootout. Coach Royal's reply: "I was hoping He would be neutral."
"The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely to be the one who dropped it." Lou Holtz (Arkansas)
"Dance with the one who brung you." Darrell Royal (Texas)
"I make my practices real hard because if a player is a quitter, I want him to quit in practice, not in a game." Bear Bryant (Alabama)
"I never graduated from Iowa, but I was only there for two terms -- Truman's and Eisenhower's." Alex Karras (Iowa)
"Always remember... Goliath was a 40 point favorite over David." Shug Jordan (Auburn)
"Show me a good and gracious loser, and I'll show you a failure." Knute Rockne (Notre Dame)
"They whipped us like a tied up goat." Spike Dykes (Texas Tech)
"I asked Darrell Royal, the coach of the Texas Longhorns, why he didn't recruit me and he said: 'Well, Walt, we took a look at you and you weren't any good.'" Walt Garrison (Oklahoma State)
"If lessons are learned in defeat, our team is getting a great education." Murray Warmath (Minnesota)
During post-game press conference, following a thrashing by one of the league's powerhouses, when asked to comment on his team's execution, John McKay (USC/Tampa Bay Bucs) replied, "I'm in favor of it."
McKay was bird hunting with Bear Bryant, when the Bear took a shot. The bird kept flying. Bryant said to Mc Kay, "John, there's something you don't see everyday-a dead bird flying."
Looking for something to do today? - The Little Rock Touchdown Club meets at 11:30 today at the Embassy Suites. - Arkansas Committee on Foreign Relations meets at 11:30 at the Little Rock Club. - The Newton, Washington and Miller County Fairs are underway. - Civil rights author Taylor Branch speaks at the Clinton School (Sturgis Hall; 6:00) - Today is Bluegrass Monday in Paragould. A concert will be held at 7 p.m. at Atkins Celebration Hall
6:00 p.m.: Miller County Fair Parade (Fouke) 7:00 p.m.: Doddridge community meeting
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/27/2007 06:26:00 AM | Permalink |
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The forums are open
There're a lot of legislative items that cross my desk that are probably not considered blogworthy. For instance, the Social Security Administration has decided to discontinue its regularly scheduled visits to Prescott, putting some in Nevada County in a lurch. I've long wanted to create a forum to post these items, as well as to allow you to post commentary on your own, much like a town hall meeting. It's not the Egg House or Harvey's Grocery, but we'll try and keep it updated with interesting political discussion and items of interest. I'll also try and keep a more detailed calendar of Arkansas events there, as well as a forum dedicated to video and pictures of events.
I suspect these forums will heat up once the campaign season gets going, and they should be a good tool to use during legislative session, but feel free to fire away now. I've posted a permanent link along the top of the blog page.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/26/2007 07:10:00 PM | Permalink |
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/26/2007 07:58:00 AM | Permalink |
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Saturday midday news
KTHV: Mmes. Critcher & Petrus kick off a statewide tour of dom. violence shelters BCDR: Rep. Eric Harris (R-Springdale) says his proposed amendment a good fit AP: 50 years after Central High, Beebe says inequality still exists Ark. Democrat-Gazette, Associated Press, KATV: Swepco plant update
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/25/2007 11:56:00 AM | Permalink |
Arkansas Weekend
Even with the start of school, there are a few festivals and events going on in the state this weekend, mostly in the mountains. There are county fairs in Bradley, Madison, Franklin and Clay Counties. Here's a complete list of the other weekend events in Arkansas:
Sanders discusses presidential politics with two New Hampshire journalists: Andrew Cline (editorial page editor of the New Hampshire Union Leader) and James W. Pindell (reporter and blogger with the Boston Globe).
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/24/2007 04:51:00 PM | Permalink |
Why it's important to read the Legal Notices section
If I don't, I'll be held responsible when something like this morning's notice in the Texarkana Gazette gets rubber-stamped without detection.
Notice is hereby given that A-1 National Liquids of Texarkana, Texas intends to beneficially land-apply grease trap waste, fish cleaning residuals, and carwash solids. For that purpose, approximately 130 acres of land has been secured through a land use contract.
The land they've obtained is near Doddridge. I've already had two constituents ask me whether there's any room in Texas to dump their garbage. If you live in southern Miller County and want to voice your opinion, send in a written request for a public hearing to Henry Insua at the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality. If you e-mail him, you must do so within the next week, and make sure you reference Permit No. 4602-WR-4 and AFIN No. 46-00209.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/24/2007 01:36:00 PM | Permalink |
Governor's weekly radio address
ARHealthNet update. Click play on the console below:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/24/2007 07:32:00 AM | Permalink |
Friday in Arkansas
Legislature: There is one legislative meeting today:
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/24/2007 06:43:00 AM | Permalink |
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Family Council submits ballot initiative to AG
It's considerably different from the bill they introduced in this year's legislative session. SB959 explicitly banned homosexuals from adopting or serving as guardians. The initiative submitted by the Family Council on Tuesday allows single people, even single homosexuals, to adopt or serve as foster parents. Instead, the initiative targets unmarried cohabiting couples. Here's Laura Kellams' report.
It's a difference that will require me to research whether common law marriages, which are recognized in half of Texarkana, will be affected. Of course, Arkansas will recognize a marriage that is recognized by other states. Assuming it's certified, the more conventional issues that will debated in Arkansas coffee shops over the next year will include morality, privacy, overreaching by big brother, the further reduction of an already small pool of potential foster and adoptive parents, and foremost, the best interest of our children.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/23/2007 09:12:00 AM | Permalink |
Thursday in Arkansas
Legislature: While there are no legislative meetings today, there is a legislative retreat being held:
4:00 p.m.
Legislative Black Caucus Retreat
Hot Springs Embassy
Governor Beebe: No official events scheduled for the governor, but First Lady Ginger Beebe will be hosting the Komen Community Challenge at the Governor's Mansion at 5:00 p.m.
Looking for something to do today? Eureka Springs: Bluegrass Festival Watermelon Social (Basin Spring Park) Booneville: 135th Annual Logan County Musical Convention (FUMC) Little Rock: 25th Annual Fall Bluegrass Festival (Cadron Creek Park) County fairs are underway in Bradley, Franklin, Madison, and Clay Counties.
12:00 p.m.: Opportunities, Inc. Board of Directors meeting
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/23/2007 07:23:00 AM | Permalink |
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Groundbreaking for the Lafayette County Jail
Here are pictures from today's groundbreaking of the Lafayette County Jail in Lewisville. The construction of the jail (as well as maintenance and operation) is being financed by the passage of two sales tax secured bond issues. Construction is underway, and a completion date is set for the end of 2008. After the groundbreaking, I took a tour of the Lafayette County School District Elementary with Superintendent Jack Broach.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/22/2007 07:44:00 PM | Permalink |
Bipartisanship of the highest order
It's no secret among House members that Rep. Bruce Maloch (D-Magnolia) and Kansas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Sam Brownback are friends -- such good friends, in fact, that Brownback served as a Groomsman in Maloch's wedding. So the fact that Maloch's name showed up on one of Brownback's FEC reports didn't raise any eyebrows around here.
Here they are pictured together on the front page of today's Magnolia Banner News from a November, 2005 visit together (and another photo of them visiting the Carter White House in 1977). Their friendship began back during the 1976 FFA national convention, and they crossed paths again later that decade while working on Capitol Hill.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/22/2007 06:51:00 PM | Permalink |
Bald Knob School District taken over by the state
The Dept. of Education took over the Bald Knob School District today and will recommend that it be disbanded, split up and annexed. The superintendent and school board has been removed from power. The 1,300 student district is projected to be about $2 million in debt this year. Here's the Associated Press story.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/22/2007 06:46:00 PM | Permalink |
Soldiers' Angels
As part of its outreach program, Alcoa-Texarkana is drumming up support for the Soldiers' Angels website. We have a lot of American soldiers abroad who receive no letters or support from home. Take a look at the site and consider helping.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/22/2007 06:45:00 PM | Permalink |
Curtains for the National Poker Challenge?
I saw on KATV where LR City Attorney Tom Carpenter advised the National Poker Challenge that it would be illegal to set up shop with a poker room in Little Rock, even if there's no buy in for participants. Here's the story. I liked the comment made by Yougottabekidding at the bottom.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/22/2007 01:17:00 PM | Permalink |
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/22/2007 04:01:00 AM | Permalink |
California has a budget
The two month impasse has ended, and the California legislature has come to terms on a $145 billion budget. This leaves Wisconsin as the only state without a budget this year.
In other California political news, the LA Times is reporting that competing measures are being pushed to modify the way that state awards its electoral votes. Democrats are seeking to join the popular vote movement, while GOP consultants want to break down electoral votes by congressional district.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/22/2007 03:52:00 AM | Permalink |
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
The Municipal League supports an increase in the severance tax
Here's the news release it sent out this afternoon:
The Executive Committee of the Arkansas Municipal League, at its meeting in Lake Village Aug. 16-17, voted unanimously to support an increase in the severance tax on natural gas production in Arkansas. Further, the League offers to Gov. Mike Beebe its assistance in organizing a petition drive to place an initiated act on the statewide ballot for the purposes of raising the severance tax rate.
The League supports such an increase in the severance tax rate as would be fairly and equitably comparable to the severance tax rates levied in the states surrounding the state of Arkansas, including the state of Texas, whose severance tax rate can be 160 to 200 times the severance tax rate in Arkansas. The League recognizes the potential of the increased revenue generated from such an increase to greatly aid in addressing the extraordinary highway, road, street and bridge needs throughout the state and in the local jurisdictions, some of which are being caused by the gas industry itself. The League supports the application of increased revenues towards those infrastructure needs.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/21/2007 03:40:00 PM | Permalink |
Natural gas drops below $6 per million cubic feet today
Back in February, I posted an entry criticizing Centerpoint, who was in the news for breaking a promise to cut rates because of a cold snap. Specifically, I questioned whether it made sense to purchase natural gas in the summer when it is cheaper.
Assuming that is the case, the rate cuts would already be there in the event we have a cold snap (or a bitterly-cold winter). If utility companies don't purchase gas in the summer, it doesn't seem to mesh with common business sense unless they figure that consumers won't notice that the added expense is passed on to them. Again, I may be wrong, and if so, I hope that someone will educate me.
Thanks to a tip from a constituent today, I see that natural gas is trading at an annual low. Now is the time for our natural gas utility companies to stock up for distribution to its customers.
posted by Steve Harrelson @ 8/21/2007 01:23:00 PM | Permalink |
Sen. Steve Harrelson
District 11
Steve Harrelson represents Senate District 11 in southwest Arkansas.
District Office: 300 State Line Avenue Texarkana, Arkansas 71854 Post Office Box 40 (75504) (870) 773-VOTE or (870) 772-0300
Capitol Office: State Capitol, Rm. 149L Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 (501) 682-7771