The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Texarkana Gazette editorial board weighs in on a tobacco-free Capitol

They're for it. This isn't really on my radar, but I suppose I am too. To me, it can be distinguished from smoking since dippers/chewers aren't forcing the habit on those around them. Still, drinks aren't allowed in the House chamber -- I'm sure it's because at some point, a drink spilled all over the desk ruining someone's bills/papers (we don't have individual desks in the chamber). I suppose that in order to be consistent, cups containing anything should be barred. I don't buy the decorum angle -- we're a citizen legislature with people from all walks of life, and even though the national media has had another field day with this one, I'm willing to bet that the practice is fairly prevalent in Capitols west of here.