The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Final thoughts on technology and government

Although governments should debate the regulation of technology in order to protect privacy and security concerns, governments should also harness many of the technologies in order to keep up and provide better representation to its constituents.

The video of the Jetsons' closet below is remarkable, but is it realistic? Should governments regulate RFID tags and other technologies at any level in order to keep companies and big brother from learning too much about you? What new crimes or frauds can be perpetrated using this technology? What role should the state play to facilitate some of these technological changes for its citizenry? Should RFID tags be embedded in your drivers license, or is that an unnecessary intrusion? These are all complicated issues that will be debated in future legislative sessions. One thing is certain: if governments don't stay on top of these types of changes, we'll become less effective.