The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Friday, May 30, 2008

Arkansas: 44th in children's healthcare

The Commonwealth Fund ranks us 44th in terms of children's healthcare, the rankings of which are based on 13 performance indicators of healthcare access, quality, costs, equity and children's potential to lead healthy lives. In terms of individual categories, Arkansas ranked best in the nation in most affordable healthcare for children, 27th in access to healthcare, 42nd in quality, 46th in equity and 48th in potential to lead long, healthy lives. The map above shows that New England and the "Big Ten" states generally provide the best children's healthcare according to the indicators used in this study.

It's impossible to move from the bottom to the top of these rankings in short periods of time, but I think it's inherently our obligation as elected officials to get us out of the 40s in rankings such as this. One thing that helps put Kentucky in the top 10, for instance, is the high percentage of personal physicians who refer children to specialty care then follow up on the patient after they receive that care. Kentucky also ranks 13th in access. Here's more from the Arkansas News Bureau, and here's an interactive map provided by the Commonwealth Fund: