Arkansas delegate vote: Obama 37, Clinton 8
This will be announced by Rebecca Gwatney shortly.

Alice Germond mistakenly moved on to California before allowing Rebecca to announce the vote. Our votes were cast unanimously to Obama.
Here's Rebecca's speech:
This is Rebecca Gwatney, on behalf of the Great State of Arkansas, the adopted home of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the state that provided her with her largest margin of 70% in the 2008 Democratic primary -- a state with an admiration for the Clintons that is unmatched throughout the country.Alabama: Obama 48, Clinton 5
I am proud tonight to follow Sen. Clinton's call for unity and to unite behind Sen. Obama and elect him the next president of the United States.
(abrogated) Arkansas casts 37 votes for Barack Obama and 8 for Sen. Clinton
Alaska: Obama 15, Clinton 3
American Samoa: Obama 9, Clinton 0
Arizona: Obama 40, Clinton 27
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