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By Rep. Robbie WillsAfter the Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee's Chairman's luncheon, we hiked 8 blocks over to Union Station for an event hosted by Union Pacific Railroad. On the way we ran into the MSNBC mascot near the network's broadcast position at 16th and Wewatta in downtown Denver. The Donkey was riding around on a Segway and swerved over for a quick picture with me. I'm smiling in spite of the fact that one of the wheels was on my foot!  The Union Pacific event for the Arkansas delegation was a treat. UP had two vintage trains for us to wander around, showing us first hand how many folks used to get around the country - by rail. At right is one of the "Dome Cars," offering travelers a panoramic view of the countryside. We've had many discussions back home about how rail travel should not only be part of our transportation past, but also our transportation future. Several of the UP corporate folks, including the CEO, are actually staying on the train's sleeper cars while here in Denver. Steve is off to the Pepsi Center while I explore the outer perimeter before Sen. Clinton's speech tonight.
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