What a night. Steve wore himself out blogging nonstop from the floor of the Pepsi Center and I, luckily enough, scored a floor pass and was able to see the action first hand. The crowd getting in and out of the convention hall tonight was a little overwhelming for a first timer. We stood in the security line for at least 45 minutes. We saw several familiar faces also waiting in line including actor Richard
Schiff (who played Toby Ziegler on "The West Wing") and Rep. Debbie
Wasserman Schultz of Florida. The wait was well worth it, though. A great speech by Senator Kennedy and a touching address by Mrs.
Obama were truly the highlights of the night.
After the session tonight, several members of the Arkansas Delegation walked a short distance from the Pepsi Center to an event hosted by the Democratic Governor's Association at a local theme park. The midway (pictured at left) was host to many politicos from all over the country. Tasty Bar-B-Que and all the fixings really hit the spot after a long day of travel and politics.
We tried our hand at several midway games and even rode the Ferris Wheel.

On our way out we ran into Gov. Brad Henry of Oklahoma and had nice visit. My wife's family all live in Oklahoma and are big supporters and admirers of Gov. Henry. He was nice enough to pose for a picture. Our delegation is back up early in the morning for an organizational breakfast followed by a full day of activity. Steve says we're running at 5:00 a.m. We'll see about that...
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