Dem convention viewership
Some figures were released this afternoon regarding the viewership of the Dem convention through multiple mediums:
• has received 2.6 billion hits, 3.2 million visits last week;
• 38 million tv viewers watch Obama accept nomination, topping olympic ratings;
• These figures represent a 57% increase from '04 and the highest for a convention;
• 84,000 watched the speech live at Invesco Field in Denver;
• Here on Under the Dome, we had the had the highest number of hits for a week since I began the site in January, 2007. Last Monday (8/24) was the third highest day of traffic on the site.

Now that I'm getting everything unpacked, I just realized that I have some recorded comments on my dictation from 4th Congressional District delegates to the Democratic convention last week in Denver. Here are some excerpts:
Pine Bluff Mayor Carl Redus on what Arkansas, and the 4th District in particular, needs to do to keep this race competitive locally:
Delegate Brandon Robinson on what it means for a guy from Wabbaseka to watch Sen. Obama accept the nomination at Invesco Field at Mile High:
Pine Bluff Mayor Carl Redus on what Arkansas, and the 4th District in particular, needs to do to keep this race competitive locally:
Delegate Brandon Robinson on what it means for a guy from Wabbaseka to watch Sen. Obama accept the nomination at Invesco Field at Mile High:
Also from my notes, here are my favorite quotes from the Dem convention: From Barney Smith, a displaced factory worker from Marion, Indiana: "We need a president who puts Barney Smith before Smith Barney."
Bill Clinton: "People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power."
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