The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Monday, March 2, 2009

Keeping track of last minute appropriations filings

You can click this link throughout the day for real-time updates on filings at the Capitol, most of which will be funding proposals since today -- the session's 50th -- is the last day to file them:

Bills Filed Today

Update: Closer scrutiny to Amendment 14 and the Wilson v. Weiss case from a few years ago have really cut down on the number of appropriations bills in the legislature. Some General Improvement Funds do serve a true statewide purpose, and the House has come up with a mechanism to fund rural fire departments, senior citizens centers, etc. through an omnibus bill that sets up a grant system for that purpose. House Budget Co-Chair Bruce Maloch is in the position of scouring bills filed today and will have to be one of the people obligated to ask members to withdraw a bill if it appears on its face to violate the "special and local" legislation prohibition.