Reflecting on the session: Number of bills sent to committees
Here are the numbers of bills sent to committee in the House and Senate for the 2009 legislative session, listed by the number of bills assigned to each committee:
Joint committees:
Joint Budget: 993
Joint Public Retirement: 186
Joint Energy: 11
If you're one of the few who may be interested in historical numbers, here are historical spreadsheets for the bill distribution going back to 1997 for the House and Senate.
Standing and select House committees: House Judiciary: 221 House Education: 188 House Public Heatlh: 168 House State Agencies: 166 House Revenue & Tax: 143 House Insurance & Commerce: 101 House Transportation: 94 House City, County & Local: 82 House Rules: 77 House Agriculture: 68 House Aging, Children & Youth: 53 House Advanced Communications: 3 | Standing and select Senate committees: Senate Education: 234 Senate State Agencies: 215 Senate Judiciary: 212 Senate Public Health: 182 Senate Revenue & Tax: 113 Senate Transportation: 109 Senate Insurance & Commerce: 105 Senate City, County & Local: 83 Senate Agriculture: 69 Senate Rules & Resolutions: 1 |
Joint committees:
Joint Budget: 993
Joint Public Retirement: 186
Joint Energy: 11
If you're one of the few who may be interested in historical numbers, here are historical spreadsheets for the bill distribution going back to 1997 for the House and Senate.
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