Today's House Calendar
7:00a.m. -- Legislative Prayer Breakfast (Rm. 019)
8:00a.m. -- Personnel JBC Subcommittee (Rm. 151) Agenda
8:30a.m. -- Own Bill/Own Amendment Calendar
9:00a.m. -- Joint Budget Committee (Rm. 171) Agenda
10:00a.m. -- "A" Standing Committee Meetings
Education (Rm. 138): Agenda
Public Health (Rm. 130): Agenda
Public Transportation (Rm. 428): Agenda
Revenue & Tax (Rm. 151): Agenda
Judiciary (Rm. 149): Agenda
House convenes at 1:30 p.m.
Bills for Consideration
Fiscal Impact Statements for Tuesday's voting calendar: (Pursuant to Rule 36 of the Rules of the House of Representatives, a fiscal impact statement must accompany legislation that imposes new or additional costs on municipalities, counties, education, or additional funding or restrictions on the Department of Corrections)
HB1084 (Rep. Overbey): The fiscal impact on the cities depends on the age, salary and service of the clerk-treasurers and former clerk-treasurers. On average, it'll have the following impact: 20% of pay for each covered 40 year old for a year; 40% of pay for each 50 year old, and 70% of pay for each 60 year old.
Upon adjournment -- JBC Claims Subcommittee (Rm. 272) Agenda
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