Poll of the week: Digital billboards in Arkansas
A fairly new state regulation allows advertisers to place electronic billboards in Arkansas with changing messages along state highways. They are also legal in 37 other states. The Federal Highway Administration recently concluded that they don't violate federal law, but opponents of the billboards call them distractive to drivers and “visual clutter” that detracts from the landscape. Fayetteville enacted an ordinance prohibiting any sign that "flashes, blinks or is animated," and electronic signs that change their message more than once every three hours in that city are outlawed unless the information they display is limited to the time and temperature.
Texas only allows only the "Tri-action" mechanical rotating billboards. North Dakota, New Hampshire and Wyoming allow only traditional poster-and-glue billboards, and four states — Alaska, Hawaii, Maine and Vermont — ban all billboards. A day-long workshop will be devoted to this subject at the January 2008 Transportation Research Board meeting in DC.
Previous polls:
Poll No. 8: Partisan primaries
Poll No. 7: Notification of MRSA infections
Poll No. 6: "No match" letters
Poll No. 5: Novelty lighters
Poll No. 4: 2007 Razorbacks
Poll No. 3: Governor Beebe's job performance
Poll No. 2: The severance tax
Poll No. 1: Flavored cigarettes
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