The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Miller County election results (last updated 2/6 3:20 p.m.)

Ballot counting is beginning now (9:08 p.m.)...problem with early box (11:45 p.m.). Here's the final count (12:30 a.m.):

Clinton: 2,211 (70%)
Obama: 866 (27%)
Edwards: 48 (2%)
Uncommitted: 32 (1%)
Richardson: 10 (0%)
Biden: 4 (0%)
Dodd: 2 (0%)
Gravel: 2 (0%)
Kucinich: 1 (0%)
Total: 3,176

Huckabee: 2,776 (76%)
McCain: 407 (11%)
Romney: 356 (10%)
Paul: 77 (2%)
Giuliani: 7 (0%)
Uncommitted: 5 (0%)
Thompson: 4 (0%)
Total: 3,632

The story here is that almost 500 more Republican ballots were cast than Democratic ballots. The county received visits from Bill Clinton and Mike Huckabee himself in the weekend leading up to yesterday's primary election.

How this turnout compares to previous presidential preferential primaries:
2008: 3,176 Dems; 3,632 GOP; 6,808 Total
2004: 4,678 Dems; 874 GOP; 5,552 Total
2000: 4,486 Dems; 229 GOP; 4,715 Total
1996: 4,605 Dems; 131 GOP; 4,736 Total

Here's the vote by Miller County precinct:

Best precincts for this candidate
Worst precincts for this candidate

Hillary ClintonClinton
Barack ObamaObama
Bradfield8 (53%) 2 (13%)
College Hill Middle School76 (56%)53 (39%)
Washington46 (33%)91 (66%)
Ozan Inghram34 (35%)62 (64%)
Sandflat54 (47%)51 (45%)
Hickory Street73 (79%)18 (20%)
Arkansas High120 (75%)38 (24%)
Arkansas Blvd.67 (67%)33 (33%)
North Heights175 (69%)76 (30%)
Trice99 (59%)62 (37%)
Fouke195 (92%)9 (4%)
Ft. Lynn33 (100%)0 (0%)
Boyd26 (84%)3 (10%)
Central69 (94%)2 (3%)
Genoa69 (87%)7 (9%)
Pleasant Hill41 (89%)2 (4%)
Greenwich Village95 (87%)11 (10%)
Mandeville61 (60%)38 (37%)
Rondo117 (84%)19 (14%)
Shiloh35 (75%)9 (19%)
Union159 (86%)22 (12%)
Garland21 (44%)26 (54%)
Bright Star39 (75%)10 (19%)
Doddridge56 (62%)30 (33%)
Sugar Hill138 (62%)82 (37%)
Early/Absentee (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Overseas (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Total (3,176)2,211 (70%)866 (27.3%)

Mike HuckabeeHuckabee
John McCainMcCain
Ron PaulPaul
Mitt RomneyRomney
Bradfield (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
College Hill Middle School81 (79%)12 (12%)0 (0%)9 (9%)
Washington3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Ozan Inghram45 (90%)3 (6%)0 (0%)2 (4%)
Sandflat21 (66%)4 (13%)2 (6%)4 (13%)
Hickory Street92 (79%)16 (14%)3 (3%)5 (4%)
Arkansas High142 (78%)16 (9%)2 (1%)22 (12%)
Arkansas Blvd.91 (71%)11 (9%)4 (3%)21 (16%)
North Heights249 (79%)32 (10%)6 (2%)29 (9%)
Trice188 (89%)12 (6%)0 (0%)12 (6%)
Fouke263 (79%)31 (9%)12 (4%)26 (8%)
Ft. Lynn37 (76%)3 (6%)2 (4%)7 (14%)
Boyd18 (67%)7 (26%)1 (4%)0 (0%)
Central104 (81%)11 (9%)2 (2%)11 (9%)
Genoa49 (72%)10 (15%)3 (4%)6 (9%)
Pleasant Hill72 (77%)13 (14%)2 (2%)7 (8%)
Greenwich Village98 (72%)15 (11%)5 (4%)19 (14%)
Mandeville62 (73%)11 (13%)1 (1%)9 (11%)
Rondo195 (76%)24 (9%)6 (2%)32 (13%)
Shiloh100 (76%)16 (12%)0 (0%)13 (10%)
Union189 (75%)37 (15%)5 (2%)21 (8%)
Garland5 (46%)5 (46%)0 (0%)1 (9%)
Bright Star62 (71%)18 (21%)4 (5%)3 (3%)
Doddridge39 (72%)5 (9%)2 (4%)8 (15%)
Sugar Hill299 (74%)40 (10%)8 (2%)53 (13%)
Early/Absentee (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Overseas (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)
Total (3,632)2,776 (76%)407 (11%)77 (2%)356 (10%)

7 Greens voted: 5 uncommitted, 1 to Jared Ball, and 1 to Kent Mesplay.