Miller County dogs

After the rain cleared out, I spent the latter part of Easter Sunday on a 40-mile bike ride through central Miller County. I've ridden/run through lots of places, but nowhere are the dogs more numerous and fierce than right here at home. I was cruising along on a rural road about 25 miles into my ride just doing my thing when this one to the right jumped off the porch and began galloping in my direction. I didn't think much of it, as he looked like he was fenced in, until I saw an opening in the fence on the other side of his yard. By the time he hit that hole in the fence, it was on. I just happened to have my phone out and snapped a picture of him as he hit full stride towards my front wheel.
I was still chuckling and looking at the picture I had taken when this next one caught me napping (left). There are few things as startling -- especially when running -- as the sound of dog toenails hitting the pavement when you're not paying attention. This one had an angle on me, and I nearly dropped my phone trying to switch back into a higher gear. I'm certain that if I had, he would've eaten it. My GPS says I was going 31 mph, and he was still gaining on me. The women on the porch across the street thought it was hilarious -- at least I got that impression when I looked over my shoulder and saw them slapping their knees doubled over in laughter. Glad I was able to offer up some Sunday entertainment. You just have to remember that when you're riding in a group, you don't have to be the fastest -- you just can't be the slowest.

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