I sincerely appreciate you following the blog and writing in with your concerns and questions during the session. I hope you've had as much fun reading it as I've had writing it. I will continue the blog, and it will remain as active out of session as in session. I believe it has shown to be an effective tool to stay in touch with my constituency and to honor my obligation to be as accessible as possible. I am a staunch advocate for sunshine in government, and I hope that I was able to adequately shine a light on the proceedings of the 87th General Assembly. People have an inherent right to know what their government is up to.
The Internet is a powerful tool, and I'm hopeful that all elected officials will harness it and use it to the benefit of all Arkansans. As always, call my Texarkana office (870-773-VOTE) or e-mail (
steve@steveharrelson.com) if I can be of service.
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