The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Nationwide Legislative filing statistics

The State Net Journal provides news and summaries to legislators across the nation. It notes that there are currently 43 states in regular session. Ohio is in a "skeleton" session, and Delaware is conducting budget hearings.

Here are some statistics to get your attention:
Number of bills introduced nationwide last week: 14,449
Number of bills introduced nationwide in 2007 so far: 63,210
Number of bills enacted into law nationwide in 2007 so far: 2,003

Now there's some good fodder for a floor debate: "There have been over 60,000 bills filed in this country so far this year, and this has to be the worst of the entire bunch."

Mississippi News: The Mississippi Board of Health tried to fire Dr. Brian Amy from his position as State Health Director on the basis of poor performance. He foiled the plan by going to court and obtaining an Order preventing this action. The MS Senate took notice and have passed legislation through their chamber to reduce Dr. Amy's salary from $213,315 to $1. Ouch.

Hang 'em High: The Oklahoma Senate has passed a bill out of committee that will allow judges to pack heat in the courtroom to cut down on potential courtroom violence. Our courtroom security bill here in Arkansas (SB89, of which I am the House sponsor) isn't as cavalier.