The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today in House Judiciary

We have 22 items on the active calendar, and seven others that are on deferred status. Sponsors of legislation with deferred status can have those items moved back to the active calendar by providing two days notice.

Update: I'll post action taken by the committee in bold.

Regular agenda: 10:00 a.m.
HB1161 (L. Smith): To create the offense of fraudulent filing of a UCC-1 statement.
HB1227 (Nix): An act to lower the blood-alcohol level threshold for repeat DWI offenders if DWLS.
HB1280 (Hyde): To modify the number of days from 10 to 5 to withdraw consent to relinquish parental rights.
HB1326 (L. Smith): Concerning claims for attorney's fees and litigation expenses under FOIA.
HB1325 (Overbey): Concerning district courts and territorial jurisdiction.
HB1324 (Overbey): An act to amend A.C.A. 16-17-707 (disbursement of fines from district courts).
HB1330 (Edwards): An act concerning extended juvenile jurisdiction.
SB75 (Madison): To make various corrections to Title 16 of the Arkansas Code (Practice & Procedure).
HB1353 (Wells): Provides funding for the proposed E-Filing system in Arkansas courts.
HB1375 (Pennartz): To protect the health of inmates committed to the Dept. of Correction.
HB1372 (J. Roebuck): To grant subpoena power to the Board of Ed. & the Professional Licensure Standards Board.
HB1382 (Hyde): Increases fines for misdemeanor to provide additional funding for county jails.
HB1237 (Pyle) To remove churches as prohibited places to carry a concealed handgun.
HR1012 (Pennartz): Endorsing the AKC Canine Good Citizen Program.
SB33 (Thompson/Harrelson): To amend Sup. Ct. Rule 5-2 as authorized by Amendment 80, §9.
SB70 (Madison): An act to make various corrections to Title 12 of the Arkansas Code (Law Enforcement).
SB59 (Madison): To create a new circuit judgeship in the 4th JD.
HB1030 (Harrelson): An act to authorize the closing of unlicensed transitional housing for crim. offenders.
HB1051 (Greenberg): An act concerning the dissemination of criminal history information.
HB1396 (Edwards): Makes offense of Battery 2nd app. to bodily harm to animal control/code enforcement officers.
HB1395 (Edwards): Expands offense of interference with a law enf. officer to cover animal control/code officers.
HB1394 (Edwards): Expands offense of obstructing gov'l operations for falsely ID'ing oneself to an a.c./c.e. officer.

Deferred Calendar
HB1008 (Green): To amend arkansas code 9-13-103 regarding grandparents visitation rights.
HB1015 (Abernathy): An act concerning registration of arsonists.
HB1027 (Cole): An act increasing the penalty range for voyeurism for persons over the age of 18.
HB1093 (Sample): An act concerning illegal immigration.
HB1097 (Stewart): An act concerning places where a person can carry a concealed handgun.
HB1213 (Patterson): Clarifies various provisions of the Landlord-Tenant Act of 2007.
HB1255 (Greenberg): An act concerning the burden of proof required to corroborate a defendant's confession.