The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Tuesday's House Calendar (Day 58)

As of today (Day 58), notice may not be given for reconsideration of any failed measure.

If HCR1018 is not extended, we have 24 days to get bills through both chambers and to the governor's desk before adjournment.

7:00a.m. -- Legislative Prayer Breakfast (Rm. 019)

8:00a.m. -- Personnel JBC Subcommittee (Rm. 151) Agenda

8:30a.m. -- Own Bill/Own Amendment Calendar

8:30a.m. -- Withdrawal of Member's Own Bills

9:00a.m. -- Joint Budget Committee (Rm. 171) Agenda

10:00a.m. -- "A" Standing Committee Meetings

Education (Rm. 138): Agenda
Public Health (Rm. 130): Agenda
Public Transportation (Rm. 428): Agenda
Revenue & Tax (Rm. 151): Agenda
Judiciary (Rm. 149): Agenda

11:00a.m. -- JBC Peer/Review (Rm. 171) Agenda

House convenes at 1:30 p.m.

Bills for Consideration

Fiscal Impact Statements for Tuesday's voting calendar: (Pursuant to Rule 36 of the Rules of the House of Representatives, a fiscal impact statement must accompany legislation that imposes new or additional costs on municipalities, counties, education, or additional funding or restrictions on the Department of Corrections)

No fiscal impact studies were distributed as of Monday evening. I'll update as necessary.

Upon adjournment -- Joint Retirement (Rm. 130) Agenda

Upon adjournment -- Academic Facilities Oversight Committee (Rm. 171) Agenda
(figures on facilities will be revealed and discussed in today's meeting)