The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Candidates differ on casino, gas tax

House District 65

2008 Legislative Races:
House District 65

Laura Kellams has an article in this morning's Democrat-Gazette NW on the House District 65 race, which features incumbent Rep. Tracy Pennartz (D-Fort Smith) and challenger Mark Horoda (D-Fort Smith). The election for this primary will be held May 20. The article profiles their positions on immigration, the proposed lottery, the budget, and other priorities.

Hometown: Fort Smith
Occupation: Healthcare Consultant
Party: Democrat
Cash on hand: $9,583 (as of 3/31)
Total Raised: $13,462 (as of 3/31)
Hometown: Fort Smith
Occupation: Attorney at Law
Party: Democrat
Cash on hand: $0
Total Raised: $0

House District 65