Higher ed panel's final report -- Update
Here's a picture from Friday's release of the final report from the Task Force on Higher Ed remediation, retention and graduation rates. Since the panel began its work, Arkansas slipped to 50th in adults 25 and older with a college degree. We're also 50th in per capita income. Think about this: if you take 100 Arkansas 9th graders, only 16 of them will have a bachelor's degree within 10 years.
The final report includes some fascinating data and recommendations to help bring us to the SREB average by 2015,but it hasn't been posted online. (You have to appreciate legislative staff who reads the blog on Sunday afternoon and points me to the report.) Here's the link to the full report. Here's a picture of task force chairwoman Rep. Johnnie Roebuck addressing the panel's findings and recommendations:

This, to me, is the most telling graphic about the relationship between education and economic development (click the graphic for a larger version).

The final report includes some fascinating data and recommendations to help bring us to the SREB average by 2015,

This, to me, is the most telling graphic about the relationship between education and economic development (click the graphic for a larger version).

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