The 88th General Assembly
has convened the 2012 fiscal session

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Checking out the Arkansas bear population

I'm returning from the Winona Wildlife Management Area in Perry County, where I joined a group with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission this morning to check on part of the Arkansas bear population. Mama Bear had to take a dart to the neck (below) while the wildlife officers counted cubs and took measurements. Camille wasn't too interested at first and shot me an "if you say so, dad" look as she took one of the cubs. She eventually came around.

Alice Stewart also went on the trip to write a story for ESPN Outdoors. The AGFC has an extensive bear management program, and wildlife biologists claim that bear populations in the state are right in line with expectations. Myron Means, bear program coordinator with the agency, told told us today that the total numbers of bears in Arkansas are stable and may be slowly expanding in the state.

Mama Bear gets some shut eye

This cub weighed 5 pounds

AGFC Commissioner Brett Morgan